New games from the Sega Private Show 2010 in Japan

Shaggy June 27, 2010 4

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Every year Sega Japan holds a “private” summer show where they give select persons a view of some of the new content that they are bringing to arcades later that year. But it’s only private in the sense of it being limited to who gets an invitation as every year sources reveal the content from that event. The most recent show took place on Saturday and we now have a look at a few new arcade products in development although it is likely that they will not get any official support internationally.

First off, Sega introduced the latest title in the Sangokushi Taisen series of games, the card-based Samurai Wars or Warring States. It turned out to be the main attraction of the show and is scheduled for a Japanese release in November. The artwork on the cards themselves is quite detailed and I like the concept behind this game as it’s something different for arcades but these kind of games tend to stick to the Japanese market. Here’s an in-game shot from the official website. You can read about how the game works here at

Next up is Sega Card Gen MLB 2010. I was originally excited about this unique game when it was first shown at AMOA 2009 in the US and it was later seen on location test at a Gameworks in Illinois. Since then we have only seen the game in Japan, so it’s likely that this didn’t test well (or perhaps there is another reason holding it back – it was originally supposed to launch in the Spring). The game was at this show and here is the first nice shot I have seen of the screen up-close. Most of the game is still in English so maybe there is still a glimmer of hope that Sega will still release this in the US (not sure how popular baseball is in Europe for a release there). In case you missed our previous coverage on this game, you can go here, here and here.

Even though the new Virtua Fighter 5 is scheduled to find it’s way to Japanese arcades this summer, they didn’t have a cabinet on display at the show. But they did demonstrate a knockout trial mode in a video.

But wait, there’s more! Jump past the break to see it

With the World Cup in progress at the moment it is a good time for Sega to unveil their latest addition to their WCCF series with World Club Championship Football Intercontinental Clubs 2009-2010 (could they have made it anymore of a mouthful?). Like VF5 only a video was shown of this one and I know that WCCF has appeared in Europe before but there is currently no indication if this will make it over or not. Official WCCF website here.

The already released Heat Up Hockey was at the show. It’s a shame it’s so expensive(last I heard it’s in the $20,000 range) as it happens to be the most unique idea I’ve seen in air hockey in years thanks to the use of augmented reality. At least one US distributor is making the game available but then the question is, who will drop that sort of cash on it?

UPDATE: Here is a video of Heat Up Hockey for those that missed the story some months ago

Sega announced a new version of their mech game Border Break (v2.0) but it was only shown as a video. I don’t have that video but here is the most recent video of the game in action via Sega’s Official Border Break Youtube channel

Another video-only exhibit was made for Sega’s horse racing series, Star Horse 2: Final Destination. I also haven’t seen any video of that publicly but here’s a shot of the game’s impressive multi-user cabinet setup.

Sega’s new UFO Balance Catcher was there, an original variation on how to control a crane machine which we have discussed before. This comes out next month.

Pic sources:

[Gpara (might have some NSFW ads)] []


  1. RJAY63 June 28, 2010 at 2:49 pm - Reply

    I was told by someone in Japan that the full Star Horse 2 set up costs about $1.5 mill! Can anyone tell me if this is true or not? If not, can they quote how much it does cost?

    • Shaggy June 28, 2010 at 2:59 pm - Reply

      That would not surprise me. I have never seen Star Horse on any pricing list from any distributor or importer, which could partially be due to the sticker shock involved.

  2. editor June 28, 2010 at 3:35 pm - Reply

    one of the reason why Konami released G1-Turf –

  3. twinturbo2 June 28, 2010 at 11:47 pm - Reply

    No Daytona USA 3? Come on, Sega, I’ve only been waiting 12 years!

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