Update on Metal Gear Arcade from the Japanese location test

Shaggy July 10, 2010 0

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We have a few new details on Konami’s Metal Gear Arcade, which we reported just a couple of days ago would be getting a location test this week. The most significant change to the game since it was last seen would be the option that dictates how the player moves their perspective around. You can pick from either the glasses or the gun, with it working out similarly to first-person titles on the Wii, where the view begins to move once the reticule passes a certain, preset boundary. Stages change after a certain amount of time passes and when a player unlocks new ranks they can play on new stages.  Small Room Aries has scans of the pamphlets explaining how the game works out in greater detail (in Japanese) and we also have a couple of short videos from the location test below.

We’re still not quite sure when this may get a test outside of Japan (as it was originally announced to be a worldwide release) but I have heard of the possibility of the game showing up at IAAPA in November. Of course with as complex as this looks and as expensive as it will likely be that makes it harder to sell but at the same time I’d like to see it do well as it’s unique amongst other titles out there right now.

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