If Marvel VS. Capcom 3 was an arcade game, it would look something like this

Shaggy September 16, 2010 2

We’ve been having a lively discussion about Capcom and their attitude towards the arcade market in the SSFIV Price Tag comment thread and surely this will continue to stir the debate. Capcom has already stated that there are no plans for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 in arcades, which is something we heard about early on about SSFIV as well. Now we have this video from Japanese news site Gigazine that shows a very arcade-like setup for MVC3 at what I assume is the Tokyo Game Show. We still can’t get our hopes up yet – if it were a real arcade release we would expect to see it in a VEWLIX cabinet and I haven’t seen any “MVC3 coming to Arcades” announcements yet . As such this looks like an ‘arcadified’ kiosk, similar to what we saw recently at PAX in the US so all we can do is dream (or I’m sure people will be planning their own MVC3 home-made arcade cabinets). Once again, this is where the Game Gate VU can come in handy, as that has a modular control panel where you can add arcade sticks to itassuming that MVC3 will be a part of the iGames license which includes Capcom games.

Speaking of TGS, there is some arcade love there at Konami’s booth, who brought Love Plus Arcade to the show and unveiled another arcade title that appears to be a variation on Love Plus called “Happy Daily Life”. More details on that @ 4Gamer.net


  1. Mr-phelps September 16, 2010 at 9:46 pm - Reply

    It’d be a real shame if this game never got an arcade release.

  2. DANTE December 10, 2010 at 6:37 pm - Reply

    Espero MVC3 salga para recreativas ARCADE. Que mal que CAPCOM nos haya olvidado de esa manera… jamas se comparara un ARCADE con un control del xbox o del ps3… ojala recapaciten los de capcom

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