Some Darius Burst Arcade news

arcadehero November 30, 2010 1

There is an important date coming up for some of us arcade nerds – December 17th. On that day two things are happening: first TRON Legacy will be released to theaters and second, Taito will release Darius Burst Another Chronicle in Japan. That’s only a few weeks away and as such, information on both TRON and Darius Burst is starting to gush out onto the internet. Up until now most of the information we have on Darius Burst Another Chronicle has come from translated documents via online translation sites or online videos from the location tests. But that is starting to change as the site got some sweet hands-on time with DBAC at a Taito office. You can read their report here and overall the impression towards the game is quite positive, which seems to back up the interest players have shown towards the game at the location tests.

I don’t think DBAC should be written off as a Japanese-only game quite yet – as we have seen at every tradeshow, Taito has been bringing a game onto the international market here and there – since last year we’ve seen them bring Panic Museum and Hopping Road to market and they’ve tested Elevator Action Death Parade and Gaia Attack 4 out in Europe. I think we’ve seen much more interest in DBAC abroad than any of those titles mentioned and of course you can still let Taito know if you want to see DBAC get an international release (in case you haven’t already), check here for details on how to do that. The plot thickens further for a wider release with Taito tweeting the following on their active English Twitter account some hours ago: “Today we got the new DARIUS BURST: ANOTHER CHRONICLE game on free play in the break room! Arcade gamers are in for a treat!” They also say there is no word yet on a US release on their Twitter feed but it sure looks like the response from fans is growing to bring the game here.

One Comment »

  1. Kamran January 2, 2011 at 6:40 pm - Reply

    I really hope this gets a US/worldwide release.

    What a unique and beautiful cabinet, perfect for a horizontal shooter!

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