Back in September of this year the Tokyo Game Show held a little surprise for arcade fans in the form of something called Astro Ranger. Developed by a South Korean company, this game stood out as it combined elements of a music game and a fighter into one. These two genres are quite important to arcades and while we have seen the combination of a light-gun game and a music game into one (such as with Taito’s Music Gun Gun series), I can’t recall any of the music/fighter variety off the top of my head.
After a few months with no news Astro Ranger is back again, this time with a few more details on what to expect out of it. Developed by Goodman Entertainment, AR is promising vast character customization options, online battle features where up to four people can compete in a match at once, a card saving system, and music composers such as YAHPP and Forte Escape to make up the catalog. Unfortunately there is no word on a release date or price per unit at this time or which territories can expect to see the game. We know that it will make it’s way across South Korea and Japan since it was show at TGS. Hopefully the game will also find it’s way into other markets internationally but we’ll have to wait around and see.
Here is a video of an earlier build taken of the game from TGS 2010