Al Alcorn talks Atari and Pong

arcadehero January 12, 2011 1

Newsfeed 987 via The Stinger Report

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of Pong and how the video arcade industry got it’s start but it’s one thing to read about that story and it’s another to hear about from one of the people who was involved in the process from the beginning. In this case, here is a short video interview from the website Venturebeat with Al Alcorn, the engineer who designed Pong and co-founded Atari with Nolan Bushnell. In addition to this video, VentureBeat has a story on the opening of the Computer History Museum, which is where Mr. Acorn was at the time of this interview.

One Comment »

  1. BDD January 14, 2011 at 6:14 am - Reply

    A true pioneer, and a nice guy to boot. I interviewed Al years ago for my old Coinop History Archive website, and archived the interview at (there are other cool interviews there as well). The “uhuhs” got a little annoying but the interview was cool just the same. Thanks for posting the video!

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