Winnitron 1000 Arcade cabinet coming to GDC’11

arcadehero February 23, 2011 3

Newsfeed 1010 via The Stinger Report

If you have an indie game you want to get out in public, then it can be a daunting task to be noticed as there are many games to choose from. The latest trend in helping draw attention to indie games is taking one or more games and putting them into an older style arcade cabinet. One of the more prominent  cabinets to do this with is the Winnitron 1000, a cabinet that has inspired other indie developers elsewhere to use the same idea.

The Winnitron 1000 will be making an appearance at the Game Developers Conference next week at booth 1137. There show attendees can meet up with the creators of many of the games found on the cabinet, along with playing their games on the Winnitron 1000. Here’s a trailer on Vimeo to show you a little of what to expect.

Wouldn’t it be great if the creators of this cabinet found a way to have it produced in larger quantities, where it could accept coins and have the software treat it like a multi-game cabinet (something like a NeoGeo)? And wouldn’t it be even better if the operator could download new indie games  straight to the cabinet to enhance the game portfolio on location (as I’m told in the comments this is already in place, so it just needs software to recognize coin credits?) Sure, it would then be like Taito’s NESiCA but think of the potential to get the word out on these indie games, in arcade venues across the fruited plain. I’m just sayin’

[Via GameSetWatch]


  1. Kert Gartner February 23, 2011 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Hey, the Winnitron 1000 can be updated with new games remotely over the internet. There’s no need for an operator! 🙂

    • arcadehero February 23, 2011 at 2:13 pm - Reply

      That’s what I figured. If it worked to accept quarters or tokens and was for sale so an arcade operator could set one up at the arcade, that would be very cool.

  2. Alec Holowka February 23, 2011 at 2:12 pm - Reply

    Yo, the launcher has the ability to update itself over the net. So it can already download new games automatically. 🙂

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