Gameworks Entertainment LLC Acquires Gameworks chain

arcadehero June 3, 2011 1

Newsfeed 1049 via The Stinger Report

Gameworks locations have been through a bumpy ride in recent times. When the news broke that they were going bankrupt and began liquidating locations, it did causea bit of a stir but not all was lost – in more than one instance a local Gameworks store was bought out and renovated, keeping a similar experience in place (see here and here for a couple of examples). But there were some locations that weren’t saved by someone else and so they have been ripe for the picking and the company to do that is the aptly named Gameworks Entertainment LLC. The locations which will fall under the wing of this company include: “Ontario, CA, Tempe, AZ, Seattle, WA, Schaumburg, IL, Newport, KY, and in GWE’s home base, Las Vegas, NV.” The whole idea behind the acquisition is to turn things around for each location, “aggressively improving” the experience for consumers who drop in for some fun.

[Via Yahoo News]

One Comment »

  1. Jordan/Jbean June 4, 2011 at 7:30 am - Reply

    And still no word on the Dallas location. :/

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