TRON Pinball and more from the NW Pinball & Gameroom Show

arcadehero June 5, 2011 2

While I didn’t attend the NW Pinball and Gamerrom Show that we discussed the other day, plenty of people with cameras were so we can get a feel for what it was like. First off, the one thing everyone has been wondering about: TRON Pinball. Here are two videos in HD quality of the game being played.

Also here is a pic of the Limited Edition TRON Pinball(source). I’ve thought of modifying my pins with EL wire like that since they all use plastic ramps now.

Comments seem mixed on the game from those who have played it so far.  KLOV has a feedback thread(warning: disturbing Tronman pic on the first page) where more than one person who played it enjoyed it. We also had one comment about how it plays on one our threads here (scroll to the bottom) and they proclaimed the game to be boring. I wonder if it will turn out to be like Avatar, where the standard version paled in comparison in more than one way to the Limited Edition one. Then again, there also could be a matter of the software, often when a pinball machine makes it’s way to market it isn’t until a few updates later that the game becomes decent. I’m not condoning that by any means, but it’s one of those things that is the state of pibnall today.  See more TRON Pinball vids here.

UPDATE: Also we were sent a press release that 13-year old Joshua Henderson has already set the Grand Champion score on the machine at the Gameworks in IL, the first time that has been achieved in public. Press release along with a couple of pictures is set below the break!

As for the rest of the show, here are a couple of low-rez videos showing the many games seen on the floor. Also, hit up for their take on the show in high quality pictures.

Frist Public Recording of a Grand Champion Score on Sterns’ newest pinball machine: TRON.

Saturday June 5, 2011  Joshua Henderson at age 13 years old, the youngest ranked pinball player in the world, visited Gameworks in Schaumburg, Illinois to take on Sterns’ newest released pinball machine titled :TRON.  Adapted from Disneys’ move franchise TRON, Joshua signed his name as Grand Champion as the first Grand Champion title on a public displayed TRON pinball machine.  In order to sign your name  you have to beat the factor setting of 75 million showing the initials G S, thats Gary Stern, president of Stern Pinball.  My father drove me Gameworks on Saturday to play the pinball game.  The game was deliveried to Gameworks on Friday and I knew there would be plenty of pinball wizards playing the game on Friday and Saturday,  I just wanted a chance to sign first.  I signed at 144 million, well in excess of the factory setting.  My initials are JMH.  There maybe alot of higher scores  than that in the future on other TRON machines in the world, however it feels good when you are the first.  Before I left Gameworks, I saw that my Grand Champion Score on another Stern Pinball machine still stands on 24, that score is inexcess of 900 million, as well as my Avitar score over  180 million.  Tron is a great title and an amazing machine.  It is an experience of sights, and sounds.  The backglass is three dimensional. It is colorful, electricfying and places you in the position to be a TRON player on the “grid”.  The deep bass sounds, and animation during multiball can not be duplicated with any other pinball machine..  The toys look great and I look forward to playing more TRON in the future.  Stern Pinball can be proud of all the hard work the company placed in this pinball machine.


  1. JD Simpson June 13, 2011 at 9:43 am - Reply

    Good going kid! I’ve played pinball for over 20 years and can barely get my initials into any game………

  2. Pinball Arcade Machine January 31, 2012 at 3:35 pm - Reply

    Holy moly, I’m impressed! I’ve been playing (no more than a casual hobby) pinball since I was a teenager and have never been able to score high enough to put my initials on the board. I’m sure the Tron game is fun, Stern generally does a pretty good job at making sure that their games are enjoyable.

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