Sega Japan holds its annual private arcade show

arcadehero June 24, 2011 4


Newsfeed 1060 via The Stinger Report

In Japan, Sega has been holding a “private” show today and we have a small idea of what is coming out of there but it isn’t much to go over so far. AM-Net is reporting that WCCF IC 2010-2011 (latest in Sega’s line of soccer/football games) and a new UFO Catcher Crane game have been given release dates for November; also has a little information on the new The Devil – 1570 Shangluo Samurai War which is a type of card based video arcade title that are rarely found outside of Japan. Andriasang is catching up on Let’s Go Island 3D‘s July release date which Sega announced a few months ago but confirmed once again today. I was hoping we would see something about Operation Ghost by this point but perhaps it’s not quite ready for a show display like this. If we hear of anything else, we’ll update this post accordingly.

UPDATE: More pics from Game Watch.


  1. editor June 24, 2011 at 12:37 pm - Reply

    From what we have seen it would seem correct to think that Japanese amusement is working with a 6 month delay on all new releases post-Quake. That means many games we had expected by this junction have been put back for the AM Show.

  2. RJAY63 June 24, 2011 at 4:37 pm - Reply

    I haven’t seen WCCF, Derby Owners Club or any other ‘satellite’ game in the UK for eons now. It would be nice to hear the reasons why if anyone can help?

    PS Should be its not it’s 😉

    • editor June 26, 2011 at 12:32 pm - Reply

      @RJAY63 – WCCF (2005) was shipped into the UK and US – there is one venues that still runs one in the UK the last time I checked in London (Troc).

      The fundamental issues are these:

      – though the games (WCCF and in particular Derby) did test very well in UK application, the system had to be a 100% JP import and so rocketed the price

      – the Satellite Terminal (ST) games – to give them their correct definition – need a constant supply of cards (player and collector – from Japan) and also in the latest version need to be ALL.NET connected

      – finally, SEGA US/UK dose not want the bother of specialized sales such as this when they can go for the ‘low hanger fruit’ for sales of conventional genre titles (drive and gun)

      I personally feel that these games could receive specialized sale in the international market and be successful – but would be blocked by the current executive team as they do not want to give up their control and would rather focus on their own sector than look at a emerging market support.

      I would even argue that SEGA could operate these machines rather than sell them – but this is an argument for new sales practices rather than traditional.

      • RJAY63 June 27, 2011 at 5:10 pm - Reply

        Thanks for your reply. I remember DOC coming into my arcade circa 2004; it was fairly popular at first but then numbers dwindled and it ended up being used as seats by kids watching their friends play other games. WCCF also came later but that suffered a similar fate. Can’t say those type of games appeal to me much in an arcade enviroment – I prefer twitch gaming – but I remember when they first arrived Sega hired guides to promote and teach people how to play. Would be nice if they did that for all their big titles!

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