Darius Burst Another Chronicle found on-site in the UK + new DBAC EX video

arcadehero July 29, 2011 4

(Thanks to Dave K for the tip!)

When the English version of Darius Burst Another Chronicle was first seen in the UK at an Electrocoin event about a month ago, it was said that the game would afterwards be going on test at the Funland, Trocadero in London. Then Funland unexpectedly closed. It took a little time but it seems that they found another site to test the game and that happens to be at the Casino Arcade, also in London.

From the thread Dave linked me to where fans have been following the test, so far the feedback is hugely positive, especially when it comes to the sound. There is also another thread on that same board with feedback, including some info about further location tests around the world, including one cabinet headed for Italy. Hopefully we’ll know about the US tests here soon (a poster in the latter thread says that two cabinets are in the US – if anyone has seen them, please let us know). From those threads I also found the following videos:

The test of the game at the Casino:

And in the Youtube sidebar of related videos to the one above, I noticed that 60Hz has posted a promo video for the EX upgrade that is out today in Japan:



  1. arcades4ever July 29, 2011 at 1:12 pm - Reply

    does anyone know how much longer the game will be there for as I may be going down to london at some point in a few weeks hopefully and I really want to have a go at this game to see what its like. I hope it continues to be sucessful on test so there’ll be more units of the game sold to many other arcade in the UK and the rest of the world 🙂

  2. DEL August 2, 2011 at 12:44 pm - Reply

    It’ll be in for a while. There’s another cab being tested in Italy, but John Sturges will keep this one for a while in Casino.

  3. AceJay August 15, 2011 at 6:20 pm - Reply

    One of the US DBAC locations is Regal Cinema 18 @ 2399 Route 1 South, North Brunswick, NJ. I went to check it out – it had the “cage” unlike the first pic above. Everything about the game is awesome, but sitting so close to the huge screen is a bit daunting. Everything was in English. $1 per play/$8 Unlimited Lives

    • arcadehero August 16, 2011 at 6:42 am - Reply

      Awesome, I knew the game was here but I didn’t know where. Any pics to share?

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