Do you want to see Darius Burst Another Chronicle outside of Japan? Tell Taito!

Shaggy August 9, 2010 4

The announcement of the new Darius arcade in Japan has caused quite a stir and while at the moment the game has only been announced for a Japanese release, Taito has been quiet on the international possibilities. So I decided to send them an e-mail, using an address that Taito had shared sometime ago on their Twitter account for contacting them about the company’s international products. Today, I received a response, a small part of which I’ll share here(the other parts covers the game’s stats which we’ve seen):

Re international release, this is still under discussion, and definitely the comment/trackback on your web site will help us to make a final decision!):

Be an Arcade Hero!  If you want to see the new Darius get a better chance outside of Japan, then respectfully let Taito know your feelings about it. They can be contacted at this address(change the AT to @): Put “Darius Burst Another Chronicle International Release” in the subject line, mention that you saw this on Arcade Heroes and tell them why you want to play DBAC in an arcade near you.   You can also contact Taito on their Twitter channel, they are quite friendly and receptive via this source too so it can’t hurt:


  1. Dave_K. August 9, 2010 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Email sent, and retweeted. Great work on getting the news out. Fingers crossed for an international release.

  2. ECM August 9, 2010 at 7:41 pm - Reply

    As you know, I already hassled them about this–hopefully it does some good.

  3. Kamran January 2, 2011 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    Sent an email about DBAC and NESiCA Live for US markets..hope they listen

    • arcadehero January 3, 2011 at 11:51 am - Reply

      Every bit helps!

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