Sega Testing Transformers Human Alliance In China This Weekend

arcadehero May 9, 2013 1

While doing research into the Chinese and Taiwanese arcade markets this week I came across some very interesting news about a new game from Sega.

Regular readers of the site here are aware that Sega has a development studio in China that created Sega Golden Gun, K.O. Drive and possibly done work on a few other titles. K.O. Drive hasn’t been released yet but apparently Sega is ready to start testing out their next title and in China first. Given the nature of the license, I doubt it will just stick to that region so chances are we will see it reach the Western world by the end of the year but that is just a guess – nothing has been announced as of yet. This further demonstrates the importance of China as a market for arcade manufacturers. Here’s the location test announcement that unveils the new Transformers: Human Alliance:


According to the scant info about the game so far, it’s a shooting game where humans (presumably the player) fight alongside the Autobots to save the planet. Also it can be presumed that means it’s a light-gun game, which would make this the first licensed light-gun game Sega has done since Rambo. However you never know, there is a small possibility that shooter could mean the STG kind too, which is more popular in that area of the world. It is also the first time I am aware of that the Transformers will have their own specific video arcade game; there was the pinball machine by Stern otherwise.

The testing starts tomorrow and goes until Sunday, I will keep an eye out for any further updates.


One Comment »

  1. Trippled May 13, 2013 at 6:07 am - Reply

    I’m still confused what the Sega China studio is. Is it the Studio with Makoto Uchide leading, that created Golden Axe, Dynamite Cop etc. or just a random studio that makes games for cheap?

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