New Screenshots From Play Mechanix’s Aliens Armageddon Arcade

arcadehero January 31, 2014 5

A few weeks ago, Twitter was a bit busy over the news of a new game coming to home consoles based on the popular Fox franchise Aliens, a game called Aliens Isolation. While we don’t cover those games sites that cover the console sector are as abundant as gemstones at a swap meet, it had me thinking about another new Aliens game that is now available for arcades, Aliens Armageddon by Play Mechanix and Raw Thrills. Aside from the cabinet design of the game, we have seen some low quality video of it in action. I figured it would be nice to see some direct screenshots of the game for a clear look at it too and today received some screenshots straight from Play Mechanix. The game is running in 1080p@60FPS, which is on par with PM’s Big Buck HD and a step above their Terminator Salvation game. From what I have heard so far, it plays like a “faster paced Terminator Salvation”. Unfortunately I have not had a chance to play this to see for myself yet but that should change soon. I do know that the action takes place on Earth and you are evacuating humans to The Ark to save what is left of the human race.

As you can see in the shots below, the game does use cel-shading to a degree minus really thick lines and some realistic textures. I asked George Petro of PM about that and he described the reason to go cel-shading was to better define the threats but if you were to turn the effect off, it would look like a normal high-end 3D game.

(Click on the images below to engorge them up to the always glorious 1080p resolution; if I get any other shots like these I will add them to this post and alert via AH’s Facebook or Twitter accounts)




Also, Raw Thrills added the game to their website this week. Generally that means its available for purchase although I have seen pictures online of what might be test models out there. Along with Batman it has seemed like they are doing soft rollouts more often as a few random locations get them in before general distribution does. So far I’ve only seen the Deluxe cabinet out there; here is the fixed guns 42″ model that also will be available for a lower price (likewise competing directly with other fixed gun cabs out now like Transformers, Deadstorm Pirates or The Swarm). This design isn’t too far off from the last Aliens game that Play Mechanix did, Aliens Extermination. (Again if you have not seen the Deluxe cabinet design which has free guns and a 55″ screen, click here)



BONUS: Here is a scan from the December 2013 Replay Magazine with a few more shots, showing a couple of the different guns that can be used and Facehuggers.




  1. Sam January 31, 2014 at 12:52 pm - Reply

    I love the cel shading. It gives it the feel of one of my favorite FPS, Borderlands.

    • arcadehero January 31, 2014 at 3:08 pm - Reply

      Yeah this has a real BL2 vibe to it. Even the brighter textures stand out from the normally dreary color schemes of games in this specific genre.

  2. voltz January 31, 2014 at 5:48 pm - Reply

    I haven’t had vibes like this since Resident Evil 2. I’ll certainly be looking forward to it.

    Also I’m taking note on the designs because we haven’t seen the runner alien well represented and that’s a queen hugger from the deleted scenes.

  3. jonhooper February 1, 2014 at 7:45 am - Reply

    nailed the borderlands look and feel to it oh my good god??? >>>:::OOO looking at this game so far its gunna be incredible im defo popping in my pounds by the twenties… to try to complete this game and get a no1 ranking in every arcade site in the uk when it lands 😀

  4. voltz February 1, 2014 at 4:41 pm - Reply

    I’m worried that the aliens will all look like runners. I can understand an ongoing theme, but some fans are going to be upset if we can’t blast any Giger or Cameron xenos.

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