Newsbytes: The Simpsons Goes 1up; Chrono Circle Rhythm Game; Axe Master & More

arcadehero June 13, 2021 1

Hello reader, and welcome to Newsbytes, a curated collection of news items from around the arcade world. This one is a little later than usual, as I wanted to pad things out a little on the posts – I hate doing NBs back-to-back. 😉 Here we go:

Arcade1up Announces The Simpsons

The internet caught fire this week when it leaked that Arcade1up’s next licensing acquisition would be Konami’s fantastic 1991 beat ’em-up, The Simpsons. This is one of the most expensive 1ups to date, which almost puts it at the cost of an original machine, although this will be easier to come across (won’t hold up anywhere near as well though). Speaking of that original machine, I’ve had one for a few years, and while it is an excellent game, for all the glowing praise it can receive online, that once again doesn’t really translate into plays. Mine averages about $10/wk, which is all right – better than my Knights of the Round (sadly, pretty much anything does better than KotR, and that’s also an awesome game), but the way it’s talked about you’d think that it’d be in the top 10 of any arcade.

What Makes An Arcade “Insane?”

Speaking of Arcade1up, there was another story about them in Newsweek this week, but it didn’t have anything to do with newly announced games, but a personal Arcade1up collection.

Now let me say first that I do not begrudge or mock anyone who has any collection of games in their home, whether it’s Arcade1up or real stuff. But for this particular collection to have “gone viral” on Reddit and made a mainstream news site, only to be called an “insane 90s arcade?” It has me scratching my head, wondering what makes the many impressive arcade businesses and personal collections full of real machines? Apparently nothing, since those don’t go viral as this did. There is also a ridiculous claim in the story, which sounds like it comes from the collector, that retro games are “fire hazards,” put as though they are all inherently in danger of bursting into flames at any moment. If you buy a game that has a frayed power cord or you decide to keep a G08 monitor on and exposed to flammable materials, like a bale of hay, then sure, maybe. Of course, if these are issues then they’re on the collector as you should replace things like bad cords (which really isn’t that difficult to do – if you still can’t DIY it, hire an electrician who can). Otherwise, thousands of places out there, both home and commercial have old games and don’t have these problems – I have several games that are 30-40 years old, they’re on every day, and they have never spontaneously combusted, blown up, or found other ways to ignite.

Let’s Walk Around A Sega Genda Arcade In Akihabara

While I had thought about just sharing the link, I figured why not do a tour video. I may do some more of these if everyone wants, but either way, if you’re looking for some great Japanese arcade history in the area, this is the place to check out.

New Rhythm Game From Andamiro: Chrono Circle

Arcade Belgium posted about an upcoming closed location test that will be held in Tokyo for a Korean-made rhythm game called Chrono Circle. That said, details are light on it so far, although a poster on the AH Facebook group said it is by Andamiro and the AB link mentions AM-PASS which I believe is Andamiro’s card. There isn’t any branding on the location test lottery website (they’re asking for volunteers, but you have to apply there, then hope you get picked), but Andamiro would have been my first guess for a Korean arcade company that has the means to test things in Japan anyways. From the cabinet silhouette image, this is aiming to compete with the likes of MaiMai and WACCA. Whether or not this will come to the States remains to be seen, as Andamiro USA has been pretty quiet as of late. They have a small booth at Amusement Expo 2021, so I’ll ask about it when I’m there.

Flyer Fever V2

The website Flyer Fever is back, and with new flyers as well as a new layout. The Tumblr stuff is gone, which seems to work better for seeing everything. Changes are going to keep coming, which includes a gallery view for those who prefer to see thumbnails of the flyers that they are looking for first. Check revamped FF out here.

Axe Master Preview

H/T Jdevy for finding this. Known as Hatchet Hero at Dave & Busters, we have the first look at the general version of Bay Tek’s arcadeified axe throwing game, Axe Master. The axes are rubber instead of foam as I had wondered. The game still isn’t listed on Bay Tek’s website, but I have to imagine it will be at Amusement Expo 2021 and if this distributor is touting it, it’s likely launching in time for the summer.

More On Elevator Action Invasion

With UNIS’ Elevator Action Invasion game landing at Dave & Busters over the past week or two, a lot of players have had a chance to give it a spin. So far, most reviews I’ve heard from players have praised the cabinet but have found the gameplay to be frustrating and in need of some changes/updates. Here’s some video of the game being played – graphically it looks pretty good, certainly a big jump over Elevator Action Death Parade.

When this will be made available for everyone else is anyone’s guess, last time I asked UNIS about it they didn’t have any comment on it. Perhaps it will be for just a month or two like with Minecraft, although I have to imagine that there are plenty of other ops out there who would like to grab something new to help them crawl out of the pandemic hole too. Or maybe I’m wrong and everyone’s fine with it so that ranting about timed exclusives is a waste of… time 😛


Joe & I Talk Arcade History

Big Buck Hunter Updates – Includes tournament news and there’s a big Buck Hunter mobile game now

Pirated Jurassic Park Machines In China

LAI Games Releases Angry Birds Coin Crash – This one is also not listed on the LAI website yet

Dutch Arcades Re-open For Business

2022 Release Jitsu Squad Now Has A Page On The ExA Website

New “What Is exA” Page

Cool Pic From The Judge Dredd Arcade Game That Never Was

Dave & Busters Enjoying A Resurgence – While apparent from the many new game purchases they’ve done, here are some hard numbers

That’s all I had for today, I hope you all had a great weekend and we’ll see you on the next post!

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