Arcade Games »

Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Twisted Supreme January 11, 2007 0

Found this bizzare Sega creation over at UK Resistance Dear UKR, there is a Sega arcade in Shibuya that has this bizarro Sega-made foot massage machine called Ashipuri. You insert your money, stick your

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Crazy Streets Thrill Drive at the Trocadero

Crazy Streets Thrill Drive at the Trocadero

Twisted Supreme January 10, 2007 0

Found another new game down at the Trocadero today. A new one from Konami called Crazy Streets. The basic premise is that it’s a street racing game against other AI controlled cars, with various

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Chase HQ 2 Video

Chase HQ 2 Video

Twisted Supreme January 10, 2007 0

Was back in London today, so I popped into the Trocadero to get a video of Chase HQ 2. Could only do the intro movie as I was on my own and didn’t have anyone to

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Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Twisted Supreme January 9, 2007 4

With the ATEI at Earls Court fastly approaching I thought I scourer the web for any press releases. First up we have Sega Amusements Europe’s press release, look out for more soon.                                           Sega Amusements Europe

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Arcades, where have they gone?

Arcades, where have they gone?

Twisted Supreme January 8, 2007 0

In a very interesting article on the demise of the arcade, Destructoid writer Dick McVeneance covers some of his thoughts and predictions about the arcade and where it is going. Check it out here

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

arcadeheaven December 25, 2006 0

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Sega Quiz game on test.

Sega Quiz game on test.

Twisted Supreme December 18, 2006 1

Everyones seems to be getting in on the whole quiz / brain training craze at the moment. Sega have just recently put on test a quiz game called “Answer x Answer” in an Akihabara  arcade. Hit

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Pac-Man Collection for 7800!

Pac-Man Collection for 7800!

Twisted Supreme December 18, 2006 0

This totally unauthorized collection of homebrew developed Pac-Man titles was compiled by Atari afficianado Bob DeCrescenzo and is now available for purchase for Atari 7800 enthusiasts and completists. According to the product page, each

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Mario Kart 2 looking very familiar.

Mario Kart 2 looking very familiar.

Twisted Supreme December 13, 2006 0

I was a little bit disappointed to see that the Mario Kart GP 2 cabinet is basically the same as the original. I know this was obviously going to be an upgrade, but was it

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Pinball Hall of Fame Pictures

Pinball Hall of Fame Pictures

Twisted Supreme December 12, 2006 0

GameSetWatch has a wonderful gallery up showing off some of the amazing pinball machines that can be found at the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. My Favourie has to be this PUNK! one,

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Dragon Quest Arcade! Woo Hoo!

Dragon Quest Arcade! Woo Hoo!

Twisted Supreme December 12, 2006 2

Looks like we’re not only getting Dragon Quest 9 for the DS, but also a DQ arcade game. Don’t get too excited yet as this appears to be a Mushi King-type card fighting game. 

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Dear Santa………

Dear Santa………

Twisted Supreme December 11, 2006 0

Going through ebay this morning to see if there was any arcade goodies up for grabs and realised Christmas is coming up soon. So if I’m a good boy and I get it my list in the post

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