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Global VR @ ATEI 2007

Global VR @ ATEI 2007

Twisted Supreme January 26, 2007 0

First up we have Global VR. The game from their stand that took me most by surprise was “Farcry Lost Paradise” In short this is the Xbox first person shooter converted into a light-gun game.

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ATEI 2007 – Part 1 of many

ATEI 2007 – Part 1 of many

Twisted Supreme January 26, 2007 0

So, the ATEI, how was it? Well it was pretty immense. From the moment I stepped out of Earls Court station I was greeted by a ginormous Sega billboard, as well as the Earls

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Snowmobile Advertising – It's the Future!

Snowmobile Advertising – It's the Future!

Twisted Supreme January 19, 2007 0

Now this is some crazy advertising. Brian Ashcraft from Kotaku writes; In its infinite wisdom, Sega is rolling out a Love and Berry snowmobile at a Nagano Prefecture ski and hot springs resort. It will be

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1000th View!

1000th View!

Twisted Supreme January 18, 2007 1 had its 1000th view today, hooray! I guess the next milestone is 10,000. I wonder how long that will take

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Namco/Brent ATEI 2007 Line Up

Namco/Brent ATEI 2007 Line Up

Twisted Supreme January 16, 2007 0

Exhibiting under the trademark corporate banner of ‘Bandai Namco Games’, Brent Sales and Namco Europe are planning their biggest showcase for several years at the forthcoming ATEI. The company’s stand – number 2140 on

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Game On – I've been, I went, I played!

Game On – I've been, I went, I played!

Twisted Supreme January 16, 2007 1

So Saturday I went to the Game On Exhibition at the London Science Museum in South Kensington, and suffice to say it was awesome. You only get an hour and a half in there,

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ATEI Press Release

ATEI Press Release

Twisted Supreme January 12, 2007 0

  The Amusement Trades Exhibition International The 2007 edition of the Amusement Trades Exhibition International (ATEI), which takes place at London’s Earls Court Exhibition Centre on January 23-24-25, will offer visitors the world’s broadest

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Game On!

Game On!

Twisted Supreme January 12, 2007 0

Tommorrow is a truly magical day. Tommorrow I’m going to the GAME ON exhibition at the London Science Museum. About the exhibition From the PDP-1 of the 1960s to the latest must-have consoles Game

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Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Sega wants to massage your feet!?

Twisted Supreme January 11, 2007 0

Found this bizzare Sega creation over at UK Resistance Dear UKR, there is a Sega arcade in Shibuya that has this bizarro Sega-made foot massage machine called Ashipuri. You insert your money, stick your

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Crazy Streets Thrill Drive at the Trocadero

Crazy Streets Thrill Drive at the Trocadero

Twisted Supreme January 10, 2007 0

Found another new game down at the Trocadero today. A new one from Konami called Crazy Streets. The basic premise is that it’s a street racing game against other AI controlled cars, with various

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Chase HQ 2 Video

Chase HQ 2 Video

Twisted Supreme January 10, 2007 0

Was back in London today, so I popped into the Trocadero to get a video of Chase HQ 2. Could only do the intro movie as I was on my own and didn’t have anyone to

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Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Sega ATEI Line Up 2007

Twisted Supreme January 9, 2007 4

With the ATEI at Earls Court fastly approaching I thought I scourer the web for any press releases. First up we have Sega Amusements Europe’s press release, look out for more soon.                                           Sega Amusements Europe

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