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New tank arcade game: Total Armor

June 19, 2010, No Comments on New tank arcade game: Total Armor

Newsfeed 837 via At the moment I only have a picture to go on but what you see above is from the G2E Asia 2010 Expo which took place last week in Macau, China. A vast majority of products at the show deal with casino gaming but in the midst of all that was »

So what was at the Electrocoin Park Avenue Open Day event?

June 10, 2010, No Comments on So what was at the Electrocoin Park Avenue Open Day event?

Via Arcade Heroes contributor Kevin Williams was at a recent arcade event held by UK Distributors Electrocoin and United Distributing Company and brought along his camera. So what was at the event? Keep on reading by hitting the link below&# »

Arcade Heroes Podcast #14 : Arcade shows, game news and more with Kevin Williams

May 15, 2010, No Comments on Arcade Heroes Podcast #14 : Arcade shows, game news and more with Kevin Williams

We haven’t forgot about the podcast although I admit to slacking on it lately. It didn’t help that we had to start over on this one due to the program I was using to record it being shutdown by someone else towards the end of our attempt and the recording being lost. But we »

Pics from the show floor of DEAL 2010

May 14, 2010, 6 Comments on Pics from the show floor of DEAL 2010

Newsfeed 802 via While most of the attention towards expos has been going towards GTI lately, there was another expo that took place recently in Dubai that involved amusement products and that was the Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure show or DEAL 2010 for short. Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report had the opportunity »

The Raiden V game that isn’t Raiden V

May 12, 2010, 1 Comment on The Raiden V game that isn’t Raiden V

I enjoy a good space combat game but they are hard to find these days. Such games used to dominate the arcade scene but they have all but died out in recent years. So my interest piqued when I caught a glimpse of an unidentified space game seen at the recent GTI Asia Taipei »

EAG 2010: Show report

January 30, 2010, 3 Comments on EAG 2010: Show report

It’s funny how some memories stick, isn’t it? I had only been to the ExCel Centre in London once before dropping in at the EAG show on Wednesday, for the consumer gaming event GameStars Live in 2004. Somehow though, five and a half years from that event, I was able to perfectly remember the »

First pics from the big arcade show in London called EAG 2010 by Kevin Williams UPDATED

January 27, 2010, 7 Comments on First pics from the big arcade show in London called EAG 2010 by Kevin Williams UPDATED

Thanks to Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report, we have a first look at the European Amusement and Gaming Expo 2010. To give you an idea of some of the games you’ll see by clicking below, here’s a brief list of what’s new: Let’s Go Island (Sega); Bejeweled (?); Vulcan M (Rassen); Big Buck »

NYC eases up on arcades (a little)

January 2, 2010, 2 Comments on NYC eases up on arcades (a little)

One major hurdle for people looking to get into the arcade business are the local laws which often restrict the use of coin-operated video games in certain venues. Because of that, it is always my advice to check up on these laws well before you start organizing everything for your business, otherwise you can »

The Arcade Heroes "Arcade Game of the Year 2009" poll

December 2, 2009, 38 Comments on The Arcade Heroes "Arcade Game of the Year 2009" poll

It’s that wonderful time of year again where we see what you the readers consider to be the Arcade Game of the Year in 2009. We have had some excellent games come to arcades throughout 2009 and I am excited to see everything we’ll get to play in 2010. I tried to get everything »

Pics from the London Preview 2010 show

October 8, 2009, 5 Comments on Pics from the London Preview 2010 show

Another arcade trade show has come along and this time we have pictures (unlike with AMOA ’09, which I still haven’t seen anything from that one). To see all of the pictures, I’ve placed them after the post break so check it out, there are a couple of new games we haven’t seen previously, »

Could the future of games follow the jukebox model?

September 25, 2009, 1 Comment on Could the future of games follow the jukebox model?

If you constantly follow the happenings of what goes on in the video game industry than looking forward into what gaming will offer in the future is something that is bound to come across your mind. Obviously we thrive on new ideas and new releases to keep us going so anticipating what might be »

Hong Kong based developer Belrare brings SSX Blur and a Super Monkey Ball clone to arcades

July 25, 2009, 1 Comment on Hong Kong based developer Belrare brings SSX Blur and a Super Monkey Ball clone to arcades

While reading the latest Stinger Report newsletter, I came across the news that Taiwan-based developer InJoy Motion Corp. had recently announced two new arcade titles, a mounted gun shooter called Top Gunner and a kart racing game called Dido Kart. While doing some research to find out more about those two titles(which is still »