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Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 International Goes Live

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 International Goes Live

October 23, 2014, 6 Comments on Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 International Goes Live

One arcade game that always draws a lot of questions is Bandai Namco’s Wangan  Midnight Maximum Tune (WMMT) series. As a technical skill-based racer, it has quite a few fans all around the world. In the USA, WMMT3DX+ can be found here and there, which was an upgrade to the Western released WMMT3 but with 4 »

Big Buck Hunter World Championships: Live Stream + New Mobile Tournament

Big Buck Hunter World Championships: Live Stream + New Mobile Tournament

October 22, 2014, No Comments on Big Buck Hunter World Championships: Live Stream + New Mobile Tournament

The qualifiers are past and the date is almost here for the biggest competition in arcade gaming – the annual Big Buck Hunter World Championships.  Starting on Friday in Minneapolis, this tournament is promising over $68,000 in cash prizes for the participants ($15,000 going to the tournament champion) and thanks to the live streaming »

Next Up In Arcades From Sega: Showdown

Next Up In Arcades From Sega: Showdown

October 18, 2014, 4 Comments on Next Up In Arcades From Sega: Showdown

As we approach the IAAPA trade show, it is normal for details of new arcade games to leak out beforehand since they tend to be out there on location test. I have heard rumblings that Sega had a new driver game in the works but what it was exactly I could only guess as »

Killer Queen Arcade Is Available Now

Killer Queen Arcade Is Available Now

October 14, 2014, 1 Comment on Killer Queen Arcade Is Available Now

Remember Killer Queen Arcade? We have been following some news on this one for a while but I had not heard much about it until I received an email today from Fun Company (who builds the cabinets for company behind the game) providing an update. I thought that the game has been going through »

New Information on Armed Resistance by Universal Space

New Information on Armed Resistance by Universal Space

October 10, 2014, 4 Comments on New Information on Armed Resistance by Universal Space

Back in July a surprise popped up in my newsfeed – manufacturer Universal Space(UNIS) released a video trailer of an off-rails mech/vehicular action combat game they were calling Armed Resistance. In case you don’t recall that trailer, here it is again: Today I have more information to share about the game which has been »

The Search For Bouncer Arcade

The Search For Bouncer Arcade

October 9, 2014, 2 Comments on The Search For Bouncer Arcade

One thing that pops-up with arcade gaming are cases of prototypes that never “see the light of day” on the wide market. This has happened various times over the years, even in recent times with games like Robo Restle, Block People, or K.O. Drive. Often these show up on some location tests and maybe »

Bandai Namco’s NYCC Unveiling Event – Star Wars Arcade Liveblog

Bandai Namco’s NYCC Unveiling Event – Star Wars Arcade Liveblog

October 8, 2014, 8 Comments on Bandai Namco’s NYCC Unveiling Event – Star Wars Arcade Liveblog

Putting this at the top: The cabinet for the Star Wars: Battle Pod arcade game. Also, check out our recent interview with the lead producer for this game in case you are curious for more: UPDATE: The official trailer is now online: Exclusive screenshots and some new additional information can be found on this »

Newsbag: Dog Loves Pinball; Paul’s Video Arcade Move; PvZ Whacker; Zone Dome

Newsbag: Dog Loves Pinball; Paul’s Video Arcade Move; PvZ Whacker; Zone Dome

October 4, 2014, 4 Comments on Newsbag: Dog Loves Pinball; Paul’s Video Arcade Move; PvZ Whacker; Zone Dome

Happy weekend Arcaders! Hopefully with an arcade near you, you can enjoy some great coin-operated entertainment before the workweek starts up again. Dog Loves Pinball – First item for the newsbag today is a fun video shared by Jersey Jack Pinball of a dog that loves pinball, in particular JJP’s Wizard of Oz Pinball. »

Over The Years: Star Wars At The Arcade

Over The Years: Star Wars At The Arcade

October 3, 2014, 7 Comments on Over The Years: Star Wars At The Arcade

At the beginning of 1977, if one was to bet that Star Wars would become the cultural phenomenon that it is today, that would have been a risky guess if you had money on the line. Hindsight is 20/20 of course but either way, it did not take very long for the ‘Star Wars »

Newsbag: Neon Retro Arcade; Fishbowl Frenzy; Big Lebowski Pinball Launch

Newsbag: Neon Retro Arcade; Fishbowl Frenzy; Big Lebowski Pinball Launch

September 28, 2014, 2 Comments on Newsbag: Neon Retro Arcade; Fishbowl Frenzy; Big Lebowski Pinball Launch

I meant to have this posted yesterday but then there was a major power outage I wasn’t able to access anything for the rest of the night. Neon Retro Arcade – Gamers and arcaders in Pasedena California will have something to celebrate here in the next few months when a brand new venue opens »

Console-To-Arcade #1: Gauntlet; Kokuga; Riptide GP2

Console-To-Arcade #1: Gauntlet; Kokuga; Riptide GP2

September 23, 2014, 8 Comments on Console-To-Arcade #1: Gauntlet; Kokuga; Riptide GP2

One trend that is a part of the modern arcade landscape is that of the Console-To-Arcade port. It was a very rare, but not unheard of occurrence, in the Golden Age. As development focus and budgets moved from arcade to home, the modern industry has seen the idea of console games ported to the arcade »

Newsbag: A Review, A Book, A List, Japan

Newsbag: A Review, A Book, A List, Japan

September 20, 2014, No Comments on Newsbag: A Review, A Book, A List, Japan

There has not been a ton of news this week and this arcade newsbag will probably feel scanty still. That said, I hope the weekend is going well for everyone where you can go out to your favorite arcade, get some high scores and just have some fun in general. A Review – I »