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Incredible Technologies Details Golden Tee LIVE 2012

Incredible Technologies Details Golden Tee LIVE 2012

August 25, 2011, 1 Comment on Incredible Technologies Details Golden Tee LIVE 2012

We’ve known about the next installment of Golden Tee for a while now  – not that it’s hard to guess about since Incredible Technologies has kept pace with releasing a new version of the game every year with no plans to let up on that strategy anytime soon. But beyond the trailer videos and »

Electric Theater Arcade Grand Opening Event Next Week in Independence, MO

Electric Theater Arcade Grand Opening Event Next Week in Independence, MO

August 24, 2011, 1 Comment on Electric Theater Arcade Grand Opening Event Next Week in Independence, MO

(Thanks to DasBacon for the tip) If you live in or near Independence Missouri, then a new arcade is about to open it’s doors, one that we have discussed in the past called The Electric Theater Vintage Arcade. Their Grand Opening event will be taking place next week and it looks to be a »

Specular Interactive/Raw Thrills Officially Unveils Dirty Drivin’

Specular Interactive/Raw Thrills Officially Unveils Dirty Drivin’

August 18, 2011, No Comments on Specular Interactive/Raw Thrills Officially Unveils Dirty Drivin’

UPDATE: Be sure to check out our in-depth behind-the-scenes look at Dirty Drivin’ if you haven’t already! While we got information about this ahead of time, jumping the gun a little bit as it was found on location test in a few parts of the world and posted to youtube for all to see, »

The Rockin Roller Mobile Arcade

The Rockin Roller Mobile Arcade

August 16, 2011, 5 Comments on The Rockin Roller Mobile Arcade

Newsfeed 1098 & 1099 via While arcades are generally known as fixed locations, in recent times that hasn’t always been the case with new mobile arcade gamerooms. Take a truck trailer, cram it with arcades and rent it out for parties. While the game selection is often limited because of space (which also shows »

Pac-Man Battle Royale “unboxing”

Pac-Man Battle Royale “unboxing”

July 29, 2011, 15 Comments on Pac-Man Battle Royale “unboxing”

First unveiled in February 2010, we got the first hands-on look for it the next month at the Amusement Expo, it made a big splash at e3 2010 and finally the game was found at IAAPA 2010 in Florida. That game is Namco’s Pac-Man Battle Royale, released for public venues to get their hands »

Darius Burst Another Chronicle found on-site in the UK + new DBAC EX video

Darius Burst Another Chronicle found on-site in the UK + new DBAC EX video

July 29, 2011, 4 Comments on Darius Burst Another Chronicle found on-site in the UK + new DBAC EX video

(Thanks to Dave K for the tip!) When the English version of Darius Burst Another Chronicle was first seen in the UK at an Electrocoin event about a month ago, it was said that the game would afterwards be going on test at the Funland, Trocadero in London. Then Funland unexpectedly closed. It took »

Wizard of Oz pinball playfield coming together nicely UPDATED

Wizard of Oz pinball playfield coming together nicely UPDATED

July 29, 2011, 1 Comment on Wizard of Oz pinball playfield coming together nicely UPDATED

The Wizard of Oz Pinball tease continues but the latest update shows some significant additions to the machine, with some toys to be found on the left side of the playfield. If you’re looking for a full-featured pinball game, this certainly looks like it’s going to do the job. This already looks quite playable »

More CAX coverage + new documentary called ARCADE

More CAX coverage + new documentary called ARCADE

July 28, 2011, 1 Comment on More CAX coverage + new documentary called ARCADE

One nice thing about the annual California Extreme (CAX) annual event is that it generates a bit of media coverage for arcade and pinball machines. The latest outlet to do so is, who looks at some of the rarer pinball machines that were found at this year’s show. (This link is Stinger Report »

Darius Burst Another Chronicle EX and new BlazBlue unveiled

Darius Burst Another Chronicle EX and new BlazBlue unveiled

July 27, 2011, 2 Comments on Darius Burst Another Chronicle EX and new BlazBlue unveiled

Darius Burst Another Chronicle has certainly stirred some attention around the world, it has had a solid release in Japan, and it was shown in Europe a short time ago as well. It should be seen in the US before the end of the year but as Japanese players have been enjoying the game »

Stop! Rumor Time: Let’s Go Island 3D coming to the UK?

Stop! Rumor Time: Let’s Go Island 3D coming to the UK?

July 22, 2011, 1 Comment on Stop! Rumor Time: Let’s Go Island 3D coming to the UK?

Newsfeed 1082 via It’s been a while since we had a juicy rumor to discuss but I think this one is plenty credible. According to the rumor, Sega’s new Let’s Go Island 3D arcade game, which uses a 52″ autostereoscopic 3D screen for play minus the glasses is coming to the UK. It was »

Missile Command 2 coming to CAX 2012

July 20, 2011, 2 Comments on Missile Command 2 coming to CAX 2012

It’s not hard to come up with a reason to visit California Extreme every year as there are plenty of awesome games to play there but one aspect of the event is that you often get a chance to play some pretty rare games or even prototypes. At next year’s CAX, one prototype,has been »

Hell’s Kitchen’s Pinball Intro

July 19, 2011, 1 Comment on Hell’s Kitchen’s Pinball Intro

Each season of the TV reality competition show Hell’s Kitchen has a different opening sequence. With the season that just started yesterday they actually have a pretty nice nod to pinball on there as Chef Gordon Ramsey enjoys a game of Hell’s Kitchen Pinball as the ball goes around to bash the different contestants »