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EVO Championship Series 2010 ends today; Updated with pics
I have to apologize for forgetting about EVO – it’s only the world’s greatest tournament for fighting games out there – but better late than never so here we go. If you want to catch the tournament live, you can click here. A schedule is here, where they will end the night with some »
SSFIV news for the day
Newsfeed 857 via In case anyone was wondering how Super Street Fighter IV came to be considered for an arcade release, Kotaku has a few minor details on that. It’s nothing mind blowing so I’m not really sure if this warrants a post all by itself but plenty of people are interested in the »
New games from the Sega Private Show 2010 in Japan
Newsfeed 848 via Every year Sega Japan holds a “private” summer show where they give select persons a view of some of the new content that they are bringing to arcades later that year. But it’s only private in the sense of it being limited to who gets an invitation as every year sources »
Konami's new bemani game: Reflec Beat
We first heard about Konami’s latest addition to their line-up of bemani games some time ago but despite a number of location tests in Japan, they did a pretty good job of preventing any pictures or video of the game from getting out onto the internet. Fortunately that information embargo on the new Reflec »
KOFXIII gets a release date
Newsfeed 841 via King of Fighters fans mark your calendars. It has been announced that the latest installment of the game will be released on July 14, 2010. They are already scheduling tournaments in Japan for the game, I wonder how widespread imports will be to the US and Europe. Will the game manage »
Crazy Speed Arcade by Long Entertainment now available via UNIS
Universal Space (UNIS) has posted a new addition to their list of distributed games to join the many other arcade racers out there, with Crazy Speed Arcade by Long Entertainment in China. We covered this game previously here and here. One thing that certainly helps set the game apart is the addition of online »
Mutant Alert: Interactive theater game for 16-players
Newsfeed 838 via When it comes to grabbing some attention in the out-of-home-entertainment industry, one way to do it is use the “Galaxian 3” model. While such large-format games only work in certain locations, they do prove to be top-earners, providing a fun and unique experience to players. Galaxian 3 itself is a bit »
So Pac-Man Battle Royale was at the e3 Namco event last night…
…but we have to go to the Japanese game media (or here) to find that out(EDIT: Since I initially posted this, a number of sites have picked up on it and covered the arcade game, see below). You may recall that we reported at the beginning of May that Namco was going to hold »
GlobalVR’s NASCAR Team Racing goes online today
GlobalVR’s NASCAR Team Racing title is scheduled to have it’s online features activated today, allowing you access to new tracks as well as the ability to race against people in other connected arcades. As this feature wasn’t available at the shows I can’t say what it’s like but I certainly would like to test »
New I-WAY racing simulator arcade in France
Newsfeed 830 via If you love racing simulators and you ever happen to be passing through Lyons, France (or if you live nearby) then a new business that recently opened it’s doors there will certainly hold appear for you. Called I-WAY, the pace has be under construction for the past four years and offers »
Konami bringing Pop N' Music coming to the US as a redemption game
(Thanks to Aaron Auzins for the tip) After a little while of silence on the US front for new releases, we have word via that Konami is testing out a new, redemption version of their Pop N’ Music series in the US. Eddie Lecheka, editor of BemaniStyle had a chance to check the »
Catching up a little more
It’s still a couple more days before I will be home but I figure it’s better to still play catch up now where I have a chance. Thanks to The Stinger Report for the links, with the connection I have available it’s much more difficult to scour the net for news like I normally »