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Sega announces Amusement Expo line-up: Let's Go Island cabinet, new Hummer and Rambo cabinets
As we soon approach the Amusement Expo next week in Vegas, we are starting to hear about the games we will be seeing there and today Sega unveiled the games that they will feature at the show in a press release.I have to say that it looks like Amusement Expo is shaping up to »
Kevin Williams visits the Faile Bast Deluxx Fluxx arcade art gallery
We recently reported about a new art gallery that opened up in London that used arcade machines as part of the art and now Kevin Williams, editor of The Stinger Report has checkedit out and has provided a write-up of the galley which is part of an upcoming Stinger Report. You can read about »
Atari wants to turn some of their old games into movies, starting with Missile Command
Ah Hollywood. Will you ever give up on making movies based upon video games? Probably not, even though I wonder why since they aren’t generally huge money makers and are severely critiqued. The latest game-to-movie translation news comes from MTV, who is reporting that Atari is looking to take some of their classic titles »
More AOU stuff – Robo Catcher, more Metal Gear, Gaia Attack 4, Stomper DLX, Sega
Here’s a few more things out of AOU in Japan (links via various sources, including AM Net) and The Stinger Report Robo Catcher – showing other applications our future robot overlords can have in amusement devices 😛 Also Metal Gear Arcade received “the most attention” at the show. Here is a test report of »
Namco holding a show in Singapore March 2nd & 3rd
(Thanks to Kieranmay for the tip) Namco has announced a private show in Singapore where they will be showing off their latest product lines for overseas customers. This will include titles we know about already, such as Dead Storm Pirates, Tank! Tank! Tank!, Maximum Tune 3 DX Plus and their crane line-up. It also »
Terminator Salvation now sampling; H2Overdrive sees first player to reach Fleet Admiral rank
Here’s some news out of the Raw Thrills’ camp today, with two press releases on two separate products. First off Terminator Salvation will be shipping out in limited quantities to certain locations with the game hitting full production in March. The reported test location earnings have been quite good (between $983 and $805 a »
Coney Island revival project begins this summer
Via I have never been to Coney Island in New York, but I have always heard about this historic amusement park through various media sources. It used to be the largest amusement park area in the US, the Dubai of it’s day but in it hasn’t enjoyed that distinction in quite some time. New »
Silver Strike LIVE starts shipping next week
Incredible Technologies has announced that their latest game, Silver Strike LIVE begins shipping next Monday. If you missed out on the details regarding this new title, you can find out more by clicking here. For a quick recap, the new version of SS uses more online features and the game has a large number »
Lobster crane machines being shut down in New Zealand
I going to try and not use this post to debate the merits of whether lobster crane machines are cruel to the animals but it was only a matter of time before someone, somewhere lodged a protest against the machines, which we have discussed previously. This particular case comes from New Zealand, where The »
More info on Namco/Gamewax's Go Go Grand Prix
(Thanks for the info Sam!) Kevin Williams and I discussed the new “digital toy hybrid racer” Go Go Grand Prix in the latest podcast and now Namco has issued a press release discussing the success of the game at the EAG show. If you want to see this game in action, I posted a »
Arcade Heroes Podcast #12 – New games at EAG and more
Here’s our 12th podcast – I know I haven’t been keeping up with these on a weekly basis as I had wanted to originally but we’re still getting them done when there is enough to talk about. On this podcast, Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report and myself discuss: -EAG and ATEI 2010 in »
EAG 2010: Show report
It’s funny how some memories stick, isn’t it? I had only been to the ExCel Centre in London once before dropping in at the EAG show on Wednesday, for the consumer gaming event GameStars Live in 2004. Somehow though, five and a half years from that event, I was able to perfectly remember the »