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The 1st Sydney Pinball Festival

May 21, 2009, 3 Comments on The 1st Sydney Pinball Festival

Despite the fact that there is only one pinball manufacturer around these days, interest in pinball itself doesn’t seem to be waning, if the number of pinball expos popping up around the world is any indication. The most recent festival that celebrates the game took place in Sydney Austrailia and Just One More Game »

New arcade releases this week: Nirin and Dance Dance Revolution X

May 21, 2009, 2 Comments on New arcade releases this week: Nirin and Dance Dance Revolution X

My local distributor tells me that two new games are now shipping out to various distributors and thus will be showing up at different locations around the country within the next few weeks. First off, Nirin by Namco. I got a chance to play this at ASI and it was cool – the graphics »

King of Fighters 2002 gets it's own "UM" upgrade

May 9, 2009, 2 Comments on King of Fighters 2002 gets it's own "UM" upgrade

Back in 2007, SNK announced that they would be updating the ever popular King of Fighters ’98 using more modern technology and they released the game in ’08 with the name King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate Match.  Now SNK has decided to do the same thing for KOF2002, giving it an “Unlimted Match” upgrade »

Upcoming equipment spotlight shows by Betson

May 8, 2009, 1 Comment on Upcoming equipment spotlight shows by Betson

Betson Enterprises has sent us a couple of press releases detailing a couple of upcoming spotlight events for operators, the first two events will take place back-to-back in Oklahoma on May 12th and the 13th and then next month on June 3rd, they will hold another spotlight show in New Jersey. The shows will »

Move over Wii Sports – here comes Mocap Sports

May 7, 2009, No Comments on Move over Wii Sports – here comes Mocap Sports

While it might  seem that Konami is a little late to the motion controller party, you also might recall that Konami pioneered the motion controller prior to the release of the Nintendo Wii (which has since taken credit for pioneering motion sensing in the minds of many people, which of course is false anyways in »

Terminator Salvation pinball to compliment TS Arcade?

May 1, 2009, 1 Comment on Terminator Salvation pinball to compliment TS Arcade?

In the very latest Stinger Report e-newsletter (which came to my e-mail after I had finished posting yesterday), we have word that Stern will create a pinball based upon Terminator Salvation later this year. As you might recall, we have reported on a rumor that an arcade company is working on a light-gun title »

Stinger News: Game Gate VU to soon come in a driver edition

Stinger News: Game Gate VU to soon come in a driver edition

April 30, 2009, 1 Comment on Stinger News: Game Gate VU to soon come in a driver edition

We have discussed the Game Gate VU before, a coin-op kiosk that allows operators to put an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 on location to take advantage of the library that is offered by those game consoles in an arcade environment. I saw the Game Gate VU as ASI09 and it was an interesting »

A look at NBA Pinball

April 30, 2009, 1 Comment on A look at NBA Pinball

I’ve been sitting on this for a few days in an attempt to find out more but as Stern’s latest pinball game approaches it’s manufacturing period, it looks as though what I had heard to be correct. This is not the first NBA-based pinball game to ever come to the market and in looking »

New redemption – Free Fallin

April 30, 2009, No Comments on New redemption – Free Fallin

I remember seeing this briefly at ATEI and having a little play on it. It’s defiantly one of this addictive one more go, I can do better, types games which always make a great redemption piece. Free Fallin is a gravity defying test of hand-to-eye co-ordination, asking players to stop a ball in mid-descent amongst a »

Sega reveals Shining Force Cross with lots of slashing and bashing goodness

April 21, 2009, 8 Comments on Sega reveals Shining Force Cross with lots of slashing and bashing goodness

I don’t know what it is lately but there really hasn’t been a lot of arcade news going on. Of course I haven’t had a lot of time lately to sit down and scour the internet for new stuff but still, it just seems like things are really slow right now. But it is »

Golden Tee goes to the lotto

April 15, 2009, No Comments on Golden Tee goes to the lotto

We all know that one of the best ways for a company to survive in a downturn is to keep your name and product visible to the public with effective marketing and there are many ways to go about doing that. Incredible Technologies has come up with an interesting idea for promoting their Golden »

Ground Kontrol presents the 1st annual Pinbrawl tournament

April 15, 2009, 4 Comments on Ground Kontrol presents the 1st annual Pinbrawl tournament

One of the best things about an arcade is that they give you a great place to go and compete. You don’t have to set up anything at home and worry about strangers coming into your house and unlike online tournaments, you can actually see and talk with your opponents face-to-face. So it’s a »