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More AOU news: Castlevania Arcade released, Border Break details, new hardware from SIE

February 19, 2009, 5 Comments on More AOU news: Castlevania Arcade released, Border Break details, new hardware from SIE

There’s more to talk about from AOU 2009 and I find it exciting to see. Konami: Castlevania: The Arcade is now available in Japan. I have checked with Konami to see when we might expect to see this released internationally and while I have not received a response yet, it should be soon. Along »

AOU 2009 stuff : Yea for more games!

February 18, 2009, 1 Comment on AOU 2009 stuff : Yea for more games!

The arcade scene in Japan is starting to get a taste of what’s to come and while the show has not officially started yet, several different Japanese manufacturer AOU websites have been updated with some info on the games they are showing off and Japanese arcade news site are picking up on the info. »

Students in India start-up new company to make arcade titles

February 16, 2009, No Comments on Students in India start-up new company to make arcade titles

When it comes to places where arcades are bucking the downturn trend, India is one place that is making waves on that map, as we have previously reported. And perhaps thanks to that, arcade development in that country is also starting to increase, as seen in this story where two students spent all of »

Razing Storm gets an official trailer, virtual environments torn to pieces

February 16, 2009, No Comments on Razing Storm gets an official trailer, virtual environments torn to pieces

I don’t think that there is any debate about the fact that Namco’s newest light-gun extravaganza Razing Storm looks absolutely amazing. It’s one of those games that will certainly make arcades look cutting edge.  On top of that the action looks quite frantic and thus, like an awful lot of fun. Hopefully this is »

Guitar Hero Arcade now available

February 14, 2009, 2 Comments on Guitar Hero Arcade now available

For those who have been eagerly awaiting the release of Raw Thrills’/Konami’s Guitar Hero Arcade, the wait is finally over as models are shipping out to distributors across the country. My own local distributor received some yesterday and those were going to be heading out to locations that had already purchased the game so »

Namco Bandai's AOU 2009 website

February 14, 2009, No Comments on Namco Bandai's AOU 2009 website

A few days ago we reported that Sega and Konami had setup websites for AOU2009 and now Namco Bandai has a page dedicated to what they will be showing off at the event. In addition to Razing Storm and Nirin, which have been shown at IAAPA and ATEI, they also will be showing off »

Article: "When the arcades lost their fire"

February 14, 2009, 2 Comments on Article: "When the arcades lost their fire"

One great thing about arcades are the memories they create. I think that all of us has a story or two from times we spent at the arcade ‘back in the day’ and the article we’ll be linking to in that post discusses that very thing – how arcades used to be what the »

MAME4ALL ported to the GP2X Wiz

February 11, 2009, No Comments on MAME4ALL ported to the GP2X Wiz

While I do play video games at home as well as the arcade I admit that I’m really not up to speed on the Gp32/Gp2X/Wiz or whatever it is called exactly. I do know that it sees a lot of emulators ported to it. And now, we see that MAME is now running on »

Review: War Final Assault by Atari Games

February 10, 2009, 3 Comments on Review: War Final Assault by Atari Games

I know that I posted a review not that long ago (of another Atari title, Asteroids Deluxe) but I haven’t had a lot of time to spend on researching news but I did have time to make a video of the latest game that I picked up, one of my favorites War: Final Assault. »

Insert Coin 2009 – UK public arcade expo launches!

February 10, 2009, No Comments on Insert Coin 2009 – UK public arcade expo launches!

It’s a great day for arcade gamers in the UK, as the Insert Coin 2009 expo has been announced! The show will run on July 18th and 19th at the Northampton Saints Conference CentreThe difference between Insert Coin and other arcade exhibitions is that the event is open to the public, with a great »

Jack Bauer comes to pinball with "24"

February 5, 2009, 2 Comments on Jack Bauer comes to pinball with "24"

The hit show 24 now has a pinball game to compliment the action-packed thriller that features counter-terrorist Jack Bauer in his quest to defend his country from evil doers and we have a cabinet image of the game to go along with it. We heard about 24 coming to pinball a while ago and »

An ASI preview from Betson with Guitar Hero and DDR:X action

February 5, 2009, 1 Comment on An ASI preview from Betson with Guitar Hero and DDR:X action

Speaking of arcade shows (see our AOU post below this one), ASI/AMOA is just around the corner as well in Las Vegas come March and distributor Betson has already sent out a release showcasing some of the titles they plan on bringing there, which also provides us some stills for Guitar Hero Arcade and »