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Pre-IAAPA thoughts and guesses

November 15, 2008, 5 Comments on Pre-IAAPA thoughts and guesses

IAAPA is just a few days away and this is unfortunately one event I will not be able to go to. But we will have information pouring in straight from the floor as our friend Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report will be there and I also hope to be able to get some »

R-Tuned site reminds us that the game is coming soon

November 15, 2008, 5 Comments on R-Tuned site reminds us that the game is coming soon

It’s been a little while since we heard something about R-Tuned but Sega’s latest arcade racer that seeks to overcome what happened with RaceTV is almost out in Japan and the teaser site has been upgraded to prepare for the game’s full release next month. We’ll see if Sega plans on bringing this one »

Jerad's Choice BBH Online Tourney

November 12, 2008, No Comments on Jerad's Choice BBH Online Tourney

Sorry about the lack of updates the past few days – I’ve been busy, busy ,busy with the arcade and other things in life. It seems like when one machine breaks down they all decide to take a trip with it. I can just say at least most machines carry a 1 year warranty. »

DJ Max Technica coming to the US

November 8, 2008, 4 Comments on DJ Max Technica coming to the US

(Thanks to Phil on the forums for the tip!) We first talked about DJ MAx Technica a few months ago but we had not heard anything about it since so I wasn’t sure what was going on with the game. But surprisingly, game blog site Joystiq (not well known for their arcade coverage, so »

Namco demonstrates a modded version of MaxiTune 3 that lets users play in a wheelchair

November 4, 2008, No Comments on Namco demonstrates a modded version of MaxiTune 3 that lets users play in a wheelchair

Now this is really cool – we’ve discussed how arcades have been made to be user-friendly for someone with a physical disability, and at least since SF Rush 2049 a lot of racers in arcades will automatically press the gas for the user at one point.  But I have not seen a racer modified »

SFIV console & arcade version shows up together at event & more.

November 1, 2008, No Comments on SFIV console & arcade version shows up together at event & more.

More SFIV goodness is out and about, first with a link to a video of SFIV producer Yoshinori Ono discussing the game (my gripe: he talks about how arcades in the Us & Europe are dead, as though SFIV could have no effect in helping recharge the the scene). Thanks to Juan for sending »

Outcome from the Big Buck Hunter Pro World Championship

October 31, 2008, No Comments on Outcome from the Big Buck Hunter Pro World Championship

I meant to get to this a couple of days ago but unfortunately I’ve been a little tied up and there is a lot of news to post all of the sudden. But that’s all right, a lot of news is better than little or no news. As you know, the Big Buck Hunter »

Namco sets up a Razing Storm website

October 23, 2008, 5 Comments on Namco sets up a Razing Storm website

Among the new game revelations last month was Namco’s light-gun shooter called Razing Storm and in Japan it is going on location test and it has a website set up to describe the game in Japanese. It looks like the information provided is the same as what we saw in flyer scans from last »

A little more on Castlevania: The Arcade Game

October 23, 2008, No Comments on A little more on Castlevania: The Arcade Game

It will be nice when they develop transporters – then when some new game comes out in Japan I can just head over and give it a hands-on look. Of course so can everyone else at that point but that’s OK. Here is a lucky user that got some hands-on time with Konami’s new »

ATEI 2009 registration is now live

October 17, 2008, No Comments on ATEI 2009 registration is now live

Keeping the exhibition vibe going here’s a reminder for you, if you have not already received one. Registration is now live for ATEI 2009. So don’t delay. The 65th edition of ATEI is testament to the loyalty of its visitors and the innovation demonstrated by its exhibitors over the years.ATEI will be an indispensable »

Don't expect Tekken 6 BR in the US (officially)

October 16, 2008, 1 Comment on Don't expect Tekken 6 BR in the US (officially)

This is a quick one: a few of you have asked in e-mails or in our comments section about the fate of Namco’s latest update to Tekken 6, Bloodline Rebellion in the US. I have received word about it from Frank Cosentino at Namco USA: T6 BR will most likely fall to the same »

Golden Tee LIVE 2009 ships Monday Oct. 13th

October 11, 2008, 1 Comment on Golden Tee LIVE 2009 ships Monday Oct. 13th

Incredible Technologies has announced that they will begin shipping the latest installment of the Golden Tee series this coming Monday, which is great news for fans of GT who have been waiting patiently for this game. Operators will also be happy to know that location test earnings have been “phenomenal” for the game and »