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UK Pinball Show 2008 – Gutted!
I can’t believe I missed this. I am always pissing and moaning that I never see many tables out and about and I’ve just gone and missed a pinball show with lots of table in the UK! Dammit! Anyone else get to go? Can you tell us what was there? Can you make me »
Redemption Seminar at ATEi 2009
I am always reading about seminars that take place at events such as E3 and GDC and I am always eager to hear what some of the these industry experts have to say on different subjects, as well as hearing thier different experiences in games development. So I was pleased to hear that there is »
A preview of what Sega is showing at next months JAMMA event
The Amusement Machine Show (also known as JAMMA) will soon be here and thanks to The Stinger Report we have a preview of what we can expect to see from Sega at the show. This includes: Hummer Extreme – a new Hummer Racing game that was tested simultaneously in Japan and in the US »
Taito not happy about the use of Space Invaders at the Leipzig show, considering legal action
If you follow the consumer game media at all then you probably have heard of the Leipzig Game Show that has been going on in Germany. You also might have heard of the controversial Space Invaders-related exhibit which is being touted as art. Well Taito doesn’t care what it’s called, they are thinking of »
Post-Edinburgh Interactive Festival Report
Previously we have discussed the Edinburgh Interactive Festival and how our friend Kevin Williams was going to present a seminar about the amusement industry to that show and now we have the details. He displayed a number of new games to delegates at the convention, and showed off technology such as the Gundam game »
Toolbar for Tee Time
I used to play a lot of Golden Tee a while back, but these days there aren’t that many about in my local pubs. Shame really, because Golden Tee is becoming more and more the kind of game that you can really invest your time in to and feel like your loyalty to the »
Video review: The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
With this review the only new game I have left to review at my arcade is House of the Dead 4, which I haven’t done yet because it has been giving me problems (the right gun will reload every time you pull the trigger and the TV keeps turning itself off at random) which »
Power Putt Golf Preview
We discussed the newest game by Incredible Technologies just the other day and already there is a video preview of the title up at Youtube. What is slightly unusual about this is the fact that many arcade games don’t get video footage straight from the companies releasing them before the game is released and »
An evening at EVO 2008 Championship Series
The EVO 2008 Championship Series has come and gone, being held in Las Vegas from the 8th-10th and one of our readers, Chris Ainsworth has kindly sent us a link to his page where he documented his evening at the fighting tourney. Capcom made quite a display of fighters, providing ten Viewlix cabinets for »
Hey Vulcan Wars, where have you been all this time? UPDATED
Way back in September we reported on a new light-gun shooter by Atlus Japan called Vulcan Wars. It was shown at JAMMA 07 and even then there was very little info available on the game and since then the game had disappeared – until now as the game has shown up on a location »
Dark Presence schwag
Remember that new fighter called Dark Presence which will feature digitized actors in HD and it will be coming out this year? We certainly do and we have the schwag to prove it. Galloping Ghost Productions kindly provided us with some Dark Presence related mechandise, including a couple of T-Shirts and some pin-on buttons. »
Big Buck Hunter Pro Online Tourney News
Here is some brief news about the Big Buck Hunter tournaments currently going on. The Regional Qualifiers began yesterday and as a reminder are going until Sep. 7th. To enter one simply needs to make an account on a BBHPro Online machine and play. They also have announced the winners for the RamJam competition, »