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Sega Rally 3 revealed
Yesterday Sega Europe held a private launch event to demonstrate their next arcade racer and the next game in the Sega Rally series, Sega Rally 3. We first found out about this game a little while ago when it showed up for test at an arcade location in the UK and a reader sent »
Pirates of the Caribbean Pinball featured on American Idol
You don’t see pinball very often in popular media these days so when it does show up, it catches you off guard, especially if it’s one of Stern’s newer pins. So when American Idol contestant Jason Castro was shown standing next to a Pirates of the Caribbean pinball machine while being interviewed, you can »
Friday Flashback – Sega Rally Championship
Here’s a little feature concerning older games which I hope to regularly update in weeks to come. Good, bad or ugly – if I find an old game interesting, you can bet it’ll end up here at some point. First up, Sega Rally Championship. Manufacturer: Sega Hardware: Sega Model 2A Year: 1995 Sometimes, I »
Rambo has a flyer (cabinet shot and screenshot included)
(Click on the image above to enlarge it) AM-Net has posted a flyer for Sega’s latest light-gun extravaganza Rambo and it gives us a first look at both the cabinet and the game. The cabinet is a lot like the House of the Dead 4 Deluxe cabinet, as the guns are similar and the »
Big Buck Media event in San Francisco
Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix continue to make the rounds with Big Buck Hunter Pro Online and Big Buck Safari by showing it to the media. The latest event in San Francisco brought in representatives from MTV, 1UP and Gamasutra and more to try out BBS. I haven’t seen any articles written by these »
Some prizes to expect for Silver Strike Bowling 2009
(Click on image to enlarge) We have mentioned Silver Strike Bowling 2009 a few times recently, as Incredible Technologies has been making a large effort to make the game attractive with the number of prizes that they are offering via contests with the game. I received a short list of some new items they »
The Big Buck Bowl
As I mentioned in the last post, I went to my distributor today to talk about games and some options and one thing we talked about was Big Buck Hunter Online. I did have a chance to play this online a few weeks ago and I automatically saw the appeal – where the game »
Golden Tee 2009 Design-A-Hole Finalists Up for a vote
A little while ago we posted about a new contest that Incredible Technologies was running in regards to their next Golden Tee game, GT2009. The contest is called Design-A-Hole where anyone could submit an idea for a golf course that would be put into the actual game. The entries have been received and they »
Big Buck Hunter Media Event
[Via The Stinger Report and Betson] About a week and a half ago, Betson held a media event in New York City they called the “New York Media Night” where they showcased the new Raw Thrills/Play Mechanix game Big Buck Safari and the latest version of BBHPro Online. Writers from AOL, CNet and the »
James Edes' Pinball Collection
The News Tribune did an interesting story on an avid pinball collector named James Edes. He has been playing pinball since he was a little kid, and now he collects them. In his basement in Milton, Washington, he has over 70 pinball machines ranging from the mechanical games from the 1930’s to Stern’s modern »
Details on Big Buck Hunter Pro Online
Raw Thrills’ and Play Mechanix have been working on the latest version of Big Buck Hunter Pro for sometime now and with the game finally hitting the streets one may wonder how the online functions work. Obviously it will make more sense if you find an online -enabled version and try it out but »
Betson Open House proves successful in bringing attention to new games
[Via Betson Enterprises] US Distributor Betson recently held an open house at their headquarters in Carlstadt, NJ and from their press release, it looks like it was a success. I think it’s a good idea for distributors to hold events like this from time to time – I know that some distributors allow the »