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Play-On – arcade development system from Italy (w/ new arcade games)
The latest Stinger Report (Issue #618) finishes up coverage on ATEI from last month and with it plenty of great information, including news of a relatively new developer from Italy that has created a PC-based arcade system that is based on an open source development system known as the ELF Integrated Scripting System which »
Battle Lines – Arcade Street Fighter IV Rocks GDC!
From Kevin Williams comes this look at trends in the game console industry and certain issues they are facing there and a resurgence in interest in arcades thanks to Street Fighter IV. It also discusses the issues that mainstream gaming media happen to have when it comes to covering amusement. Enjoy! Battle Lines – »
Location Review – Galaxy World, Sydney
(More picture after the break) The second arcade I visited whilst I was in Australia, which was called Galaxy World, had a great selection of games. The most exciting for me had to be Stern Pinball’s Wheel of Fortune. This was the first time I had seen the game, or played it for that »
Big Buck Safari European Flyer
We first saw the latest installment of Big Buck Safari at ATEI this year and we even had some video and a picture or two of the game in action. As this is Raw Thrills’ first release outside of the US, it is already up on Namco Bandai Europe/Brent Sales website and with it »
Top 10 post of the year
Now I know our years anniversary was back on December 3rd, (write that in your diaries so you don’t forget to send us a birthday card), but WordPress, the lovely people who provide this free blog service, have now added a feature were you can see your most viewed posts of the year. It’s either new, »
Arcade Extinction Vs Revolution
(I tried to put a picture up but WordPress is having issues yet again and it’s not working) Here is an interesting contrast we find about the arcade scene in it’s current state from two different news sources. The first talks about an arcade in Toronto called Funland Games and the decline in business »
Would you wait 90 minutes in line to play SFIV? (AOU 2008)
Just a friendly reminder from us and The Stinger Report that if scenes like the one above means that the arcade scene is totally dead (even in Japan – my guess is Namco probably should have waited to announce their arcade closures until after AOU was done and see how things were going to »
AOU 2008 Famitsu report – arcades bringing new innovations to the scene
With the flurry of news coming around with AOU, it’s hard to post about all of them on the current schedule I have (although Arcade Renaissance is doing an excellent job at that) but I am trying to post what seems to be useful. Here we have a report from Famitsu that I found »
Missing in Action: Puzzle Games
Missing in Action is an editorial mini-series we are running discussing genres that have all but disappeared in today’s arcade releases, taking a backseat to light-gun shooters or racers. We do not think that the arcade industry benefits from the lack of variety on the scene and would love to see some new titles »
Street Fighter IV Hi-Res Picture Overload
Just checks out these latest Hi-Res pictures of Street Fighter IV and I dare you not to drawl! I have to saw the more and more I see of this game, the more and more I’m getting excited. It could all just be nostalgia though so I’m trying not to hype it up too »
Play Mechanix hiring for help on "online tournament system"
Play Mechanix, developer of popular arcade titles such as Big Buck Hunter, Aliens: Extermination, and Deal or No Deal has updated their website with two new positions they are looking to fill, specifically for taking care of an “online tournament system.” We know about the Coin-Up tournament system that was being developed for Big »
Pinball at ATEI
In our coverage of the arcade goodness at ATEI this year it’s easy to overlook the presence of pinball at the show as it has a fairly small footprint, but it was there nonetheless and fortunately Pinball News was there to take a look at the meager but great offerings. Stern was represented through »