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Retronauts Talk Street Fighter
I am a massive videogame podcast listener and one of my favourites is 1UP’s Retronauts. This week I was pleasantly surprised that thier latest episode was all about the Street Fighter series which I highly recommend. Everything is talked about, from the fantastic Alpha series and the upcoming SF4 to the not so fantastic Street Fighter »
Golden Tee Scratch Cards
Not having any luck winning those Golden Tee tournaments, well now you can try your luck at the Golden Tee scratch cards. Read on for the full story… [via Barcade] The Illinois Lottery has just released Golden Tee Golf Instant Scratch Tickets for $2. The tickets feature one of the most popular coin-operated video »
The Stinger looks at Robotic Amusement devices in ’08 (video included)
One of the more recent Stinger Reports (1/7/08 to be exact and yes I’m a couple of days late) took a look at the exciting application of robots and coin-op amusement. A while back when IAAPA came around we reported about a coin-op title called SlamBot where two players battled it out with two »
New Street Fighter 4 Character Revealed – Crimson Viper
From Famitsu magazine and scanned on NeoGAF, here is the first new character from Street Fighter 4. I have to say I agree with Kotaku when they say that this new character looks very SNK. What do you think? [via Kotaku] Meet Crimson Viper. She’s the latest member of the Street Fighter IV roster, revealed in »
Namco also prepping for a big ATEI '08 – new Raw Thrills' title announced.
We’ve already heard from Sega and Konami so it was only a short time before Namco threw their hat into the ring of what to expect from them at ATEI. From the press release it is obvious that redemption is quite important to Namco, and they will be showing off a number of new »
Konami's ATEI 2008 line-up
Konami has issued a press release regarding it’s presence at ATEI this year and while the line-up isn’t large in terms of how many games they will be showing off, they are still aiming to impress. One of their highlights is Silent Hill: The Arcade game that despite taking a verbal beating from fans »
Sega prepping for a huge presence at ATEI
ATEI is fast approaching and with we’re beginning to see announcements of what to expect at the show. If Sega’s press release is any indication, this show is going to be huge and fortunately we’re going to have coverage straight from the show so stay tuned to the site around ATEI time. In the »
Andamiro's Pump It Up NX2 released
Well 2008 is here and what better way to start it than with a new game announcement. It looks like this was actually announced about a week ago but I only found out about it today. Andamiro has released the latest version of Pump It Up, a game very similar in concept to Dance »
Konami's Jubeat cabinet
Some images of the cabinet for Konami’s new bemani title Jubeat are out and it shows that the game is quite unique – in fact it uses a cube display but it is unclear as to how that will interact with the player (or if they are going to be trying out a holographic »
New bemani title from Konami – Jubeat
I came across a blog for a new Konami Bemani title (if you are not familiar with bemani then think DDR) called ‘Jubeat’. There isn’t much information available on the game at this point but it is going through location testing. As we find out more we will post about it – I just »
Spongebob Squarepants Pinball
It seems that since Ultrapin came around, pinball machines with digital displays is starting to gain a foothold in the industry. I don’t believe that they will ever take the place of a real table but it’s a nice idea that allows for flexibility in changing the playfield design if needed. The latest table »
Samurai Spirits Teaser Site
Back in Octoboer we reported about another fighter in the ‘Samurai’ series of games fron SNK that was in testing – it looks like another test is coming up in Japan (or it might be a release – no translation on this one) thanks to a teaser site for the game. There’s some nice »