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Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
Tomorrow I am off to Australia for Christmas and New Year to visit one of my best mates. So I’ll take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Fret not though as I am sure my fellow Arcade Heroes Shaggy & Sara will keep you up to date on all the »
Coin-op coverage coming to Good Morning America thanks to AAMA
[Via] At Arcade Heroes we are always happy to report any efforts that the coin-op industry makes to promote itself to the public – it’s something we strive to do every day but you need more than a blog to get the word out to everyone. So I am quite happy to hear »
The Lord of Vermilion – new 'Squenix' arcade game creates lines in Japan
SquareEnixs’ new coin-op game The Lord of Vermilion began it’s testing phase in Japan today and as seen on Game Watch, it’s already a smashing success. A line of people eager to play the new game was seen coming out of the arcade where the game is testing and going around the block. We »
The Exidy Vertigo Simulator
This post will be part of my efforts to inform the public about some vintage simulators that are relatively unknown. There is some debate over which motion simulator was actually the first one ever produced for the video arcade for use by the general public so I will cover a few of them that »
A couple of shots on Criminal Action/Action Detective
Coming across information on Konami’s new motion-controlled arcade title known as either “Action Detective” or “Criminal Action” has been a little difficult since we first heard about it a couple of months ago. Finally I have encountered two shots taken from location testing, via Japanese blog d.hatena. It’s not much but it’s better than »
Blazing Angels Arcade by Global VR
[Discuss on the Forum] (Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge) Afterburner Climax, meet your competition. Then again the games are probably quite different as far as gameplay since AfterBurner is on-rails and this lets you fly around where you choose but this is the first plane fighting game that has hit arcades since »
Editorial: 1 step to improve your arcade – Fix the games!
Have you ever walked into an arcade, looking for your favorite game that you always play and once you find it plop in some quarters/tokens to find that one of the buttons don’t work? Or The joystick doesn’t work when pushed in a certain direction? Or maybe the sound doesn’t work? Sometimes you can »
Toyota Simulator rivals OutRun SP 2 Deluxe
(Photos via Gizmag, click to enlarge) You’ve already seen the pictures of Sega’s massive OutRun 2 Special Deluxe cabinet where real cars (or replicas of them at least) are used as the ‘game cabinets’ for the game. It looks like Toyota has taken a page from Sega’s book and created a simulator that features »
HardCore Gamer Issue 30 out
The latest edition of HardCore Gamer is out and the arcade entry this month is America’s Army. Of course it has plenty of other excellent console related reviews which are good as well but it’s always good to point out where arcades get recognition. Next month expect to see a NASCAR review. Also mentioned »
Atari's Laserdisc Malibu Grand Prix
I stumbled across this on Digital Press and would love to know more about it. Below are links to test footage for Atari’s never-released laserdisc driving game, shown here in 3 parts. Filmed at Malibu Grand Prix in Redwood City, there’s not much to see as far as gameplay but it does contain some behind-the-scenes footage of Atari’s »
SlamBots in action
When I caught the news about a product called SlamBots on the latest Stinger Report, I was intrigued. I have personally thought about the application of robotics in coin-op games before but this is the first time I had heard of someone actually trying such an idea. To my astonishment, SlamBots (which made an »
Sega's Disney Dancing Card Game
What do you get if you cross one of Sega’s kids games, Disney and a dance mat. Well one of the above of course. I don’t know how well the kids games did over here and in America. But let’s be honest, how can this fail. It has the Disney IP and a dance mat for good »