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Geometry Wars home arcade cab for sale on ebay

July 15, 2009, No Comments on Geometry Wars home arcade cab for sale on ebay

If you own an Xbox 360 then chances are you have heard of Geometry Wars. GW is based upon a couple of classic arcade titles, like Tempest and Robotron 2084 and graphically pulls some of it’s theme from the great vector games of old. So naturally, you would think that someone would undertake the »

Arcade Heroes Week-in-review Podcast Episode 5

July 13, 2009, 3 Comments on Arcade Heroes Week-in-review Podcast Episode 5

This week on our podcast, Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report joins me again as we discuss not just the news of the week but some other aspects of the arcade industry as well, including a retrospective of the once great arcade company Midway. We also cover a little bit of news that wasn’t »

DDR X at Japan Expo 2009 in Paris

July 9, 2009, No Comments on DDR X at Japan Expo 2009 in Paris

In case you were wondering what players would think of the new DDR X in Europe, then the recent appearance of the title at the Japan Expo 2009 in Paris France should answer that question. The game has undergone extensive testing in Europe and according to the press release (which you can read after »

Arcade Heroes Week-in-review podcast #4

July 6, 2009, No Comments on Arcade Heroes Week-in-review podcast #4

Another week another podcast, I did this one solo and in addition to discussing the news we saw this week on AH, I also discuss the Midway purchase by Warner and the release of Demon Bride. There’s more than that of course so click on the link below to download it. Volume issues should »

New trailer for Elevator Action Death Parade

July 2, 2009, No Comments on New trailer for Elevator Action Death Parade

Taito’s modern update to Elevator Action now has an official trailer and it looks pretty exciting. In our previous coverage of the game, we saw that it is not like the original game in the sense that this is a light-gun title but Taito is trying out some interesting ideas with this one, particularly »

Arcade Heroes Week-in-review podcast #3 (w/ Kevin Williams)

June 29, 2009, No Comments on Arcade Heroes Week-in-review podcast #3 (w/ Kevin Williams)

In this weeks podcast, I was able to figure out how to get a guest recorded and with that I had Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report on the program. We discuss a variety of topics that are either directly or indirectly related to the arcade industry in some way, from the death of »

If Danger Zone were made today

June 23, 2009, 3 Comments on If Danger Zone were made today

If we take a trip on the wayback machine to 1986, the industry crash has begun to pass and while it hurt arcades, companies were still churning out a lot of games and sometimes those games broke new ground either via controls, gameplay or graphics. Cinematronics created such a game known as Danger Zone, »

Insert Coin Expo 2009 already shaping up to be a big hit in Europe

June 20, 2009, 1 Comment on Insert Coin Expo 2009 already shaping up to be a big hit in Europe

Another arcade show is fast approaching, this one is taking place next month on July 18th-19th in Northampton, UK. Already the event has sold over 7,000 tickets and will cater to every aspect of the arcade industry from the players on up. Several tournaments are slated to take place (including competitions on SFIV and »

Sega Japan to begin big push for card-based coin-op games

June 19, 2009, No Comments on Sega Japan to begin big push for card-based coin-op games

While I have never played a card-based coin-op game, I do find the idea fascinating as it capitalizes on something which continues to have a strong following among kids who enjoy both video games and card games. I would have thought that card games would have just been a passing fad but even at »

New experiment: The Arcade Heroes Week-in-Review 'podcast'

June 14, 2009, 9 Comments on New experiment: The Arcade Heroes Week-in-Review 'podcast'

OK, so I have decided to try ‘podcasting’ – of course I don’t know if you can really consider this a podcast, it’s just an MP3 file to download here where you can listen to me discuss the latest happenings in the arcade industry over the past week that we have posted about here »

A quick word about Metal Gear Arcade and a message to some in the gamers blogosphere

June 11, 2009, 8 Comments on A quick word about Metal Gear Arcade and a message to some in the gamers blogosphere

We all know about Metal Gear Arcade, which was announced at E3 last week and several sites have suddenly picked up the news again with a Famitsu article describing the game in little detail, giving us similar details that I already posted about days ago. But as I have read through some the different »

H2Overdrive gets a full trailer (UPDATED)

June 10, 2009, No Comments on H2Overdrive gets a full trailer (UPDATED)

H2Overdrive is soon going to be available – my local distributor says that they should be in shortly and I am trying to find out the exact date we can start expecting to see the game hit the streets. In anticipation of the release, Raw Thrills has released a new trailer to showcase some »