Argos Selling Retro Cocktail Cabinet

Twisted Supreme November 5, 2007 1


This just shows that there is still an interest in arcade gaming out there, be it retro, over wise Argos (a big UK retailer) would not be selling this beauty.

[via Arcade Lounge]

Retro-gaming certainly has a place in amongst modern-gaming these days. With the ever-growing XBOX Live and Nintendo’s virtual console, everyone wants to play something from the past.

It’s not the best looking table around, but at 1300 notes, you can’t go wrong… well, I haven’t actually had a go. I’m not sure how easy it is to configure it for MAME, but it comes with 101 pre-loaded games, including what appears to be some Nintendo Play-choice and generic titles. For another £100 you can have a coin mechanism fitted… though I don’t believe you can use it to make money.

The 14″ TFT looks a little lost in the centre of the glass, and chrome isn’t my thing at all… but not bad for £1300!

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