Taito's new 4 player shooter – Gaia Attack 4 + Hopping Road for kids

Shaggy February 19, 2010 3

(Image above via AM-Net) Links below thanks to

AOU is just starting and with that comes a little bit of news related to things we hadn’t heard about prior to today. First off, Taito has a new theater-style light gun shooter (sort of like Panic Museum) that they are showing off called Gaia Attack 4. The one thing to help set this apart – it has four guns. This isn’t the first time something like this has been tried but it certainly doesn’t happen often as the cabinet’s to support this many players isn’t something space-starved locations can carry. From the small graphics Taito is showing off this looks a bit quirky, you can see more here on the webpage they have set up for the game. It does use the Taito Type X2 hardware and thanks to the Editor we know that this to was developed by Gamewax. They are certainly getting around!

Also, Taito is showing off a new version of Hopping Road at the show, one made specifically for kids. Good call on their part as this game seemed like it would be a perfect fit for kids in the first place. Here is a picture of that next to the full size version, via AM-Net.

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  1. editor February 19, 2010 at 1:50 am - Reply

    Developed by GAMEWAX

  2. arcads4ever February 19, 2010 at 10:06 am - Reply

    is taitos oppopo booom there? its the game where you swirve your body to control a giant tail on a turning stand, I remember it was shown last year but in its very early state at aou

  3. editor February 21, 2010 at 8:37 pm - Reply

    No it was held off with Top Speed and their new sports game.

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