Crazy Speed Arcade by Long Entertainment now available via UNIS

Shaggy June 21, 2010 1

Universal Space (UNIS) has posted a new addition to their list of distributed games to join the many other arcade racers out there, with Crazy Speed Arcade by Long Entertainment in China. We covered this game previously here and here. One thing that certainly helps set the game apart is the addition of online modes, making this the second racing game this year to push such a feature that we know of, right behind GlobalVR’s NASCAR Team Racing. Also like NTR, Crazy Speed uses a card system so players can save their cars and progress although it isn’t clear whether the game uses specialized cards or if it also can use any card with a magnetic strip on it like NTR’s system does. Despite those similarities, the racing styles between the two are quite different. One big question I have about the online mode is will this be supporting servers internationally? This article indicates that they have already been testing the game out extensively in China and they are holding a tournament for it in August. With UNIS showing an English version of the game and touting the online features on their website it appears that it could handle online play outside of China although I do wonder how they would have the servers setup for it so that ping times won’t be horrendous.

One thing to add here is I’m impressed by how much China is ramping up in arcade production lately, as the number of new Chinese game releases we have been hearing about this year have jumped dramatically. There many be an awful lot of clones that come out of there but we’re seeing a lot of original content as well.

[Official Crazy Speed website] [Crazy Speed @ UNIS]

One Comment »

  1. Andrew October 14, 2013 at 4:09 am - Reply

    Uhm is there any downloads for the launcher. I got a pre-made arcade for my own gaming house. All I need is to download the launcher of the game. If anyone knows please contact me at

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