Geek out with TRON Pinball at the NW Pinball & Gameroom Show

arcadehero June 2, 2011 1

(Thanks to Aaron Auzins for the tip)

Each year there are several pinball game shows for fans and collectors alike to attend, where you can experience hundreds of games in one spot for a weekend. The latest  is the Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show, taking place at the Seattle Center from tomorrow, June 3rd to the 5th. There will be from 350-400 pinball & arcade games to play, an impressive line-up of speakers to listen to (Steve Wiebe, Walter Day, Gary Stern, Jack Guarneri, Steve Ritchie,John Youssi and more) and  a TRON seminar by Stern Pinball, where the show’s Facebook page had this to say about it:

“”If you have an interest in the new Tron pinball from Stern, don’t miss the seminar Friday afternoon at 5:30pm! David Thiel (sound) and John Youssi (art) will be speaking and designer John Borg has provided some great footage from the building the first whitewood to the LE version. This is stuff NOBODY in the country has seen yet!”

The NW Pinball Game Show website shows TRON as a part of the playable games to be seen at the show so this will also be the first chance many will have to check the game out. That’s certainly not the ONLY reason to head to the show, but it’s a great incentive.

For those interested, further details can be found here.

One Comment »

  1. Bill Masterman June 2, 2011 at 5:00 pm - Reply

    Come one, come all. This should be a great show this year. Great opportunity to see the new Tron, which will go home Sunday night with a lucky raffle ticket holder.

    More Tron news from washington Sate, we are hosting three Tron release parties next week. Tron is getting some great exposure out west here.

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