Namco testing out a new version of Pac-Man Battle Royale

arcadehero July 18, 2011 2

Everyone’s favorite round yellow character made his return to arcades earlier this year with Pac-Man Battle Royale and while the game has been finding a home in many venues across the US and around the world, Namco isn’t done yet with the game. On the Pac-Man Battle Royale Facebook page, a fan posted a picture of the new cabinet you see above on location test at an undisclosed Dave & Busters, not knowing that the cabinet he saw is a unique location test version. Namco has been quiet about it other than saying “Big things in the works” in one earlier Facebook post – I assume at this point this is what they were talking about.

For now we’ll call this the Deluxe version of Pac-Man Battle Royale, although they might just call it an upright version. It’s hard to say if that’s a 32″ or 42″ screen (the cocktail version has a 32″ monitor) but even if the software is exactly the same, the cabinet design used here will certainly attract attention thanks to the sweet lighting effects. Until Namco says something official about this though, this picture is all we have to go on.  I have heard that the version out there already has been received quite well by the public so far and perhaps once they see this version that will give players even more of a reason to visit the arcade.

Since we’re on the subject of Pac-Man Battle Royale, expect an “unboxing” post on the cocktail version of the game coming up in about a week or so, stay tuned 😉




  1. YeehawMcKickass July 18, 2011 at 3:56 pm - Reply

    You’re going to love the cocktail Battle Royale. The social interaction you get with it is great.

  2. Steven Rodriguez July 20, 2011 at 3:56 pm - Reply

    I checked on Facebook. This machine is in a D&B in Chicago. How I wish it was in NJ or NY.

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