Sega Showdown Game Modes Trailer

arcadehero November 14, 2014 1


Heading into IAAPA2014, Sega Amusements has launched a new trailer for their upcoming Showdown racing game, this time to promote the four different game modes that it features. The previous trailer was a quick teaser that did not feature any gameplay elements; this does not show the game from a “this is what I see when I sit down to play” perspective either but it does demonstrate what you can expect from the modes. From the trailer description:

Race-Off – A full-contact race to the finish line where the winner will leave a trail of destruction and wreckage in their wake.

Demolition – The rule book goes out the window – smash, bash and crush your way through a take-no-prisoners, last-person-standing, battle-royale of racing attrition!

Knockout – What happens when you hold a demolition derby on a platform 40 feet off the ground with no fences to keep you from being pushed off the edge? Pure anarchy, that’s what!

Crossroads – Throw a bunch of high-speed instruments-of-annihilation onto a wide open figure 8 track and you know what you get? T-Bones, and we’re not talking prime aged beef….

Given the four modes I am hoping I have a chance to get some hands-on time with each next week to share my impressions, which often can be a challenge at trade shows if there are long lines to jump onto a machine. Given this trailer, what are your impressions of Showdown so far?

One Comment »

  1. 60Hz November 14, 2014 at 11:45 am - Reply

    Cabs look great but i’m still missing that SEGA spirit… technically it seems like it’ll be fun though… we need to see your hands-on vids :-]

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