It’s taken me a little time to come up with the newsbits for the newsbag today, in a way it feels like the calm before the IAAPA storm. Most likely post-IAAPA will be pretty slow for new-news but that will be a time for me to edit some video together. I will be arriving late Tuesday to the show; most likely I will get an hour or so to rush through playing a couple of things; if anyone has a particular request for some hands-on opinion for Tuesday, let me know now so I can try and check it out and share on one of the AH social media networks.
Pump It Up PRIME 2015 – Right after I hit publish I find that Andamiro has posted this new trailer for PIUPRIME. Nothing terribly new, more of a promotional trailer to drive some hype:
Arcade Club – If you live in or near Lancashire, UK then you will be interested in this bit of news. I have heard of “underground arcades” before, where a collector will usually open up their personal collection for everyone to enjoy for a short time. For Lancashire, that is exactly what the new Arcade Club sounds like. Open every Saturday from 6PM-10PM, they have a mixture of pinball (old and new), video arcade games and classic consoles for visitors to enjoy. The game selection includes: Space Invaders, Defender, Robotron 2084, Asteroids, Galaga, Pac-Man, Chase HQ, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Bubble Bobble, R-Type, Salamander, Point Blank 2 and more; for the side of pinball they have Metallica LE, Twilight Zone, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Whitewater, Judge Dredd, Addams Family, Scared Stiff, Revenge From Mars and Class of 1812. Their main website is here and if you use Facebook, you can follow them here.
Defender – If you want to watch someone play Williams’ Defender really well, then check out this video. “Mikeville66” has the difficulty set to maximum as he sets out to hit 1 million points:
Please touch on BBHD’s updates! Me and my friend like to play Big Buck Hunter a lot, and I would really like to show him some new stuff about the game. I would also like you to look at the new Jurassic game Raw Thrills has coming out. I am a HUGE fan of RT and I’ve played every game from them. If they also have that motorcycle game, please look at that as well.
I wish I lived in Lancashire but that’s a long way from where I live.