The Pinball Game of Your Memes: Internet Meme Pinball

arcadehero December 18, 2014 9

Earlier this year we ran a story about a UK company that developed a way to charge Bitcoins on coin-op arcade machines. Now Liberty Games is back with a pinball project that is self-explanatory by the name alone, a culmination of one of the ‘purposes’ of the internet in modern times – Internet Meme Pinball.


As opposed to going the route of building a new pinball game from scratch (which would cost a pretty penny), they re-purposed an old Baby Doll EM pinball machine for their intended purposes.




As such this lacks a lot of the bells and whistles like ramps, mini-playfields, spinners and interactive toys that players now have come to expect but they did push the machine beyond its original configuration using a Raspberry Pi board, a small LCD screen and a 3D printer to create some static backlit toys, bringing some of the most popular figures of memes into 3D.


Overall your aim is to get enough points to activate the various memes for the LCD to show. That includes a bonafide Rick Roll for when you lose. Here is a video of it all in action.

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Much like the Duck Hunt Pinball, this is more of a fun personal project so they are not being mass produced but it is certainly a clever way to make use of a theme.


  1. voltz December 18, 2014 at 7:15 pm - Reply

    Interesting. This makes me wish somebody would make one based on the YTMND theme.

    Chunk, Batman ulululul and ***** stole my bike! are just a few of the crazy things to come from that place.

    • arcadehero December 18, 2014 at 7:17 pm - Reply

      Between that and LOLCATZ, it seems like low hanging fruit now…

      • voltz December 18, 2014 at 10:11 pm - Reply

        I’d probably die if I was on a multiplier mode and something like Wonka’s acid trip were playing. Maybe “Chunk is indestructible!!” during multiball? lol

  2. polster December 18, 2014 at 9:38 pm - Reply

    Too weird, I hope to god this doesn’t become a reality!!!

    • arcadehero December 18, 2014 at 9:46 pm - Reply

      Well it is real as far as something they did for themselves but it is not supposed to be a mass produced sort of thing

  3. Jdevy01 December 20, 2014 at 9:55 pm - Reply

    Now imagine a pinball machine based on those MLG montage parodies LOL

  4. Jdevy01 December 20, 2014 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Now imagine a pinball machine based on those MLG montage parodies

  5. The Gray Adder December 22, 2014 at 12:15 pm - Reply

    EM? I had one of those things for awhile. That thing must have weighed half a ton, what with the dozens and dozens of relays that implement logic, the miles and miles of copper wire, big honking transformers, etc. Also, with all the aforementioned, it used more power than a clothes dryer when it ran. I was surprised it didn’t blow circuit breakers every time I turned it on.

  6. Pinball Machine Australia March 24, 2015 at 9:00 pm - Reply

    These are great pinball machines! Internet memes make such funny and sometimes shocking statements, and adding them in your pinball machine makes the game far more enjoyable.

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