JAEPO 2015 Day 2: More Arcade Goodness From Japan

arcadehero February 13, 2015 2

The JAEPO 2015 event continues on and with that, more news and media to share!

Final Fantasy Dissidia Arcade – As I was putting this post together, news broke that the Final Fantasy game that Square Enix was teasing while leading up to JAEPO is called Final Fantasy Dissidiathere is a PSP game with the same name. It is an RPG fighting game, closer to SE’s recently announced School of Ragnarok than Ehrgeiz 4Gamer.net has pics from the JAEPO trailer and Famitsu does too. They have re-done the logo for the game but I imagine the arcade build will feature a large number of changes that go beyond just those aesthetics.

Here is the trailer, which does show gameplay, looks pretty intense on 3v3 battles and graphically it is well above what the PSP or the Vita could do (thankfully 😛 ).

Plus for the sake of comparison, here is the PSP version in action:

Also, here is the official site for the game.

Cytus Omega – Capcom just keeps on surprising me here. From all of the new arcade announcements you would hardly know the dire financial straights the company has been in over recent years. Interesting that someone decided that perhaps focusing on the arcade where they built up their foundation and reputation might be one positive direction to go in.

This new game is another touchscreen rhythm game that they are making in collaboration with Taiwanese company Rayark who produced Cytus for mobile devices. The cabinet is similar to Crossbeat .rev, with a few changes and a blue color scheme. I do find it a little odd that they would bring on two touchscreen rhythm games so close to each other, between these two and the other touchscreen games one has to wonder about market saturation. Famitsu story / Dengeki Online story


Trailer for one of the mobile versions:

Luigi Mansion ArcadeGood shot of the vacuum light-guns:

School of Ragnarok – If you’ve got an hour to kill and like watching these staged previews in Japanese, then here is just what you need for Square Enix’s School of Ragnarok

Tekken 7 – With Tekken 7 just about the launch to the market there, the hype train is chugging along just fine. Here Mr. Harada gives a walkthrough on the new characters of Lucky Chloe and Shaheen.

Synchronica – Since we’re on the subject of Namco, here is their touchscreen music game in action. What is shown here is obviously some basic play but it is interesting in how it has some of the swipe moves.

Time Crisis 5 – This game is slated for production in March both in Japan and in the West, in fact today Bandai Namco Amusements America sent out a press release to promote the game and they have added it to their website. Pic here of the game at JAEPO via Game Watch:


Crossbeats .Rev – Capcom held a stage event featuring the game designer Naoki Maeda to discuss the game. Famitsu has a full spread on that:


Gunslinger Stratos 2 x Ultra Street Fighter IV Collaboration – Square Enix and Capcom held a stage event where they unveiled that the popular Gunslinger Stratos 2 arcade game would be getting some Ultra Street Fighter IV content, such as costumes. Famitsu has some amusing pictures of that event.

Here is the official trailer:

That’s about it for now from JAEPO 2015. Before I end this post I should also finally point out that, for those unfamiliar with the way the current arcade industry works, it is unlikely that most of these games will get official support outside of Japan since they were designed for that market and not all of these companies have branches setup in the Western world with people that know the business. That includes Konami, Square Enix and Taito.

The two exceptions here are Bandai Namco and Sega but even then they do not bring everything over, and place a lot of focus on local products they either make or distribute for overseas only (particularly Sega these days). That doesn’t stop some locations from importing certain titles anyways but as an arcade owner, you have to be be very certain that your clientele is not frightened away by more complex games with Japanese text to spend the money it takes to import. It becomes more difficult when the games have to link up to a server in Japan although not impossible to get around.

Nonetheless, what interested you most from JAEPO 2015?


  1. voltz February 15, 2015 at 2:52 am - Reply

    I know Japan likes to keep titles for it’s target audience, but I could imagine that FF title will come to us as a console port.

    At least it will still be accessible. *shrugs

  2. toby7ten June 26, 2015 at 2:40 pm - Reply

    That’s nuts. Cytus is essentially a clone game, it came out as DJ Max Technika took too long to port to mobile. Now Cytus has outlived Technika and become popular on its own merits. Most youngsters in my arcade are always playing Cytus and find Technika (arcade) limiting. We’d love a Cytus arcade cab here.

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