New Details On The Star Wars Battle Pod Premium Edition

arcadehero August 16, 2015 1

Back in May was revealed that Bandai Namco would be producing a high cost version of their Star Wars Battle Pod arcade game. The oddest thing about it at the time was that the details of what the game would do differently didn’t seem to match with the additional $70,000 in cost over what the Deluxe pods already offered, such as a leather seat and a new art job on the exterior of the game. That wasn’t to say that there is no market for such a game but it did seem a little excessive that Vader’s photo on there would command such a cost.


Now Bandai Namco has revealed more details about what the “Premium Edition” of the game will give buyers for their $100k, primarily through the trailer below. The main addition is a moving seat, which does tend to increase those costs dramatically as the game moves into Simulator territory. While this is being touted as a “Personal Use”/Home release, thanks to a tip from Craig Davis, it turns out that the Dave & Busters in Hollywood, CA is currently testing out a commercial version of this “Premium” model. So if you can’t afford the $100k price tag of the home edition, this might be one of the few chances you’ll get to see what motion adds to the game.

Keep in mind that a Standard Edition of the Battle Pod is on its way, which news we broke on Friday. By adding linked co-op play, this could help give the game a nice boost ahead of Star Wars Episode VII but that is still some months away. Would you like to see them add anything else to the game as Star Wars Fever heats up?

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  1. voltz August 17, 2015 at 12:59 am - Reply



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