I recently mentioned in a post that I don’t care for most Top 10 lists. The “most” is aimed at lists which are arbitrary in nature, such as those ‘best games evar’ kinds of lists that are really just up to the whim of the list creator.
The lists I don’t mind are those that have hard data behind them so there is no dispute as to why the items are listed in a specific order. Since I can do that with a few things here on Arcade Heroes, let’s start by taking a look at the top 10 videos for the year. I’m doing it now since the gulf of difference in views between the videos is unlikely to change the spot of any video with only two weeks left in the year.
I’ve cranked up the amount of videos produced in 2015, in part due to grabbing a nice video editing program but also the audience reach of videos is a little different than written posts. Both ways work for reaching people about arcade news and there is more I would like to do with video in 2016. If you are interested in following the Arcade Heroes Youtube channel, here is the link.
Honorable Mention – With the IAAPA 2015 videos only being posted in the past few weeks, that does make it tough for them to catch up with other videos through the year. So here is the IAAPA 2015 video collection, currently the video of Mario & Sonic Olympics is dominating the views among these:
#10 – Batman Arcade – Selectable Batmobiles – This video was actually posted in 2013 when the new Batman arcade game was about to launch. Given that it was tied to a very popular IP, it has continued to be watched.
#9 – BATMAN Arcade Review – I’ve done a few game reviews and I should be doing more but they are time consuming. Either way, here is one of my first video reviews that has stayed popular, the review for Batman arcade:
#8 – Batman Arcade – Attract Mode – When I got my hands on the first footage of the game in action, this quickly became one of the most watched videos posted to the Arcade Heroes channel.
#7 – IAAPA 2014 – Jurassic Park – New Arcade game by Raw Thrills – The first look at the Jurassic Park arcade game that Raw Thrills launched this year was popular through the year.
#6 – Big Buck HD Wild Arcade Promo Trailer – In sharing and posting this video, the big upgrade that Big Buck got to it gained a lot of attention, particularly around the time the game launched on April 1st – but that wasn’t a joke!
#5 – Aliens Armageddon Arcade Review (Play Mechanix/Raw Thrills) – Raw Thrills continues their domination of the top viewing spots in our videos with this review of their Aliens Armageddon game posted back in 2014.
SHAMELESS PLUG INTERMISSION – Let’s pause at the half-way point to check out the Arcade Heroes T-Shirts! Running the site isn’t free so every T-Shirt bought helps cover those costs 😉
#4 – Time Crisis 5 Arcade – Amusement Expo 2015 – Here is the first non-Raw Thrills game to make the list and it is a video posted this year. This particular video was the first ‘good’ footage I had of it, an earlier video was in very low resolution so wasn’t the optimal way to see this new game.
#3 – Pac-Man Smash by Namco America at IAAPA 2012 – This is the ‘oldest’ posted video on the list, from three years ago. It’s Pac-Man so there is always that driving views, the table was also very innovative in creating a unique chaos of pucks on the field.
#2 – Star Wars Battle Pod Arcade Unboxing – Bandai Namco is representing nicely here in the top tier of the list. Getting one’s hand’s on a Star Wars Battle Pod is somewhat uncommon so it made sense to “unbox” it in film form, just sped up since no one would want to watch a 3 hour video of the process.
#1 – Jurassic Park Arcade – Raw Footage from IAAPA 2014 – This is kind of a surprise for me as the video I did the least amount of editing on was the most popular. Go figure. This was created at the request of a Jurassic Park fan site last year and was the most watched video on the AH YouTube channel this year. The difference between this and the Star Wars unboxing video is about 400 views so it was close!
All in all, plenty of good stuff so far with more to come soon. Thank you for watching and game on!