Sega Amusements Returns To Amusement Operations With Sega Prizezone In Hertfordshire, UK

arcadehero December 31, 2016 5
Sega Amusements Returns To Amusement Operations With Sega Prizezone In Hertfordshire, UK

News via The Stinger Report

This will most likely be the last post of 2016 and given the news through the year, it is fitting that it is about another facility opening their doors. This one has some significance to it through Sega Amusements International however. The latest issue of The Stinger Report provides some background…then we’ve got some pictures from the new venue:

Following on from the news of the sale of JOYPOLIS, came the news that SEGA Amusement International is returning to the amusement operation business. Revealed in an announcement regarding the signing of the first suppliers for the operation, SEGA announced they would be opening a branded ‘Prizezone‘ FEC at the Galleria Shopping Mall in Hatfield, Hertfordshire (UK). It was revealed that Intercard would be supplying the payment system for this first FEC offering from SEGA in the West. The Intercard involvement was facilitated through their exclusive European distributor Electrocoin.
This marks the first new FEC development from SEGA in Europe, since it pulled out of the amusement facility operation business in 2002 with the closure of investments, including SEGA World and SEGA Park property sales in 2007. The new ‘PrizezoneSEGA property is reported to include some 50 amusement pieces (mainly redemption) and will cover some 3,000 sq,ft. Sources close to those involved in the project suggest this will be the first serious attempt at developing a FEC brand suitable for the European market, and SEGA hopes this will be a launch pad for a brand new stab at serious operations in the UK to support their sales business.

Checking Out The New Sega Prizezone

While it is heavy on redemption as the snippet above mentions, it is not completely devoid of video games – I see an OutRun 2 SP SDX, Dream RaidersLet’s Go Island Dream: Edition Beta, Transformers Theatre Deluxe and a pair of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Arcade machines:

Sega Prizezone Front

Sega Prizezone Dream Raiders

Sega Prizezone

To explain this one to American readers, these kinds of games are common in the UK but as you can see from the description, they are setup to play for tickets:

So if you are in the area, you can stop by and check out this Sega operated facility. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take Daytona 3 over to setup once that is ready 😉

Speaking of Joypolis as mentioned at the top of The Stinger Report bit, they are celebrating 20 years of operations in Tokyo:

That’s all for 2016! Happy New Year!


  1. Jdevy December 31, 2016 at 6:23 pm - Reply

    Looks like they have the beta cabinet for the new Let’s Go Island model.

  2. isocube software January 1, 2017 at 3:35 am - Reply

    Now THAT’s a cool place!!! 🙂

  3. Jose Sammy January 5, 2017 at 12:16 pm - Reply

    I love the sound of Sega giving amusement operations a serious go again in the UK. I still remember the Sega Parks/Worlds in the 1990s, they were so cool.

    Sega Amusements, if you are reading this, then I would love to see a prize zone in Stratford, Westfield shopping mall, it’s massive with tons of foot traffic, you are sure to get an excellent return on your investment here. After all, Bluewater shopping centre has an active zone so why not consider Stratford Westfield. As it’s local to me I know I’d be a regular visitor as long as Daytona 3 and Outrun SDX are available. Go for it Sega.

  4. RJAY63 January 6, 2017 at 1:55 pm - Reply

    This is the same thing you find in most “bowling alley” arcades: a high number of ticket redemption games with a few deluxe racing/enclosed shooting cabinets thrown in. Interesting to see they have opted for the “cashless” payment card system; a new bowling alley nearby has done the same thing and they aware extra credits if you top up with more money.

    Doubt we’ll see anything resembling the Sega Parks of old though.

  5. Decon Theed March 8, 2017 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Honestly, even with the heavy focus on redeption machines, it genuinely warms my heart to see an arcade back at the Galleria. There used to be another one situated in roughly the same area the Prizezone is currently occupying, which I spent a fair bit of time in growing up (and was absolutedy gutted when it ceased operation a few years back). I live very close to Hatfield, so I’ll have to hop over there and give the new place a once-over sometime in the very near future~!

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