While every November we come to the ‘big’ IAAPA trade show, the organization holds expos around the world throughout the year. One of those is called the Asian Attractions Expo. This year the event was held in Singapore and apart from some information coming through on Twitter, we were fortunate enough to have some pictures and information sent our way by Walter at PrimeTime Amusements. Here are some of the new games that were found at the expo this week.
Cruis’n Blast Motion
For some months now, I’ve been hearing talk about a motion version of Cruis’n Blast that Raw Thrills was developing for the Chinese market with UNIS. I’ve not had any success in seeing this unit until it was on display at AAE17. It looks similar to an InJoy Motion sit-down racer with the translucent LED backlit fixtures on the cabinet. By this picture I can’t see the presence of a PIN pad; I also assume that it uses the air bladder movement system that was also used in the motion version of Jurassic Park. As mentioned it is only intended for sale in the Chinese market at this time.
Seeing this, I decided to do some digging on the UNIS website and while the game itself is not listed on their products list, if you take a look at their 2017 International Product catalog and scroll down to page 20, it just so happens to list this version of the game:
Galactic Force Deluxe
Speaking of that catalog, on the same page as Cruis’n is a surprise – an arcadeified version of a motion theater game we saw a few years ago called Galactic Force. If this is at AAE17, I do not know as I have not seen any pictures of it there. I am also uncertain about that theater getting a release as it seemed to have disappeared after IAAPA 2015 – any mention of it has been scrubbed from both the website and catalog.
As for this particular arcade version, it is not currently found on their website either but it’s there in the catalog and there is no restriction on “sales and distribution in China” as Cruis’n states. Perhaps we’ll see this make an appearance at IAAPA 2017… or not. UNIS has a lot of product and the redemption/videmption tends to get the most attention. As such we’ve seen video games show up in their marketing materials before but they do not appear at trade shows. Here is the motion theater in action…
As for the smaller arcade version, this is a somewhat unusual theater cabinet, with a monitor on the back instead of a tinted window. It has a motion base so they did maintain that from the motion theater as well. We’ll have to see if we can get any more pertinent info on this one.
Overtake DX – The Elite Challenge
IGS and Wahlap have developed an improved version of their OverTake racing game, now with a motion seat. OverTake itself is similar to the Fast & Furious arcade games with point-to-point tracks but with “disaster events” along the way to give it a little more of a ‘stunt car in a movie’ racing feel.
Lane Master
I caught this video bowling game at IAAPA 2016 and have a video which I’ll share here too. It is fairly straightforward – roll the ball under the screen to hit the virtual pins.
Wildlife Pics
Also from UNIS is another kid-tainment piece called Wildlife Pics. It features an asymmetrical setup with the right side player driving the vehicle on a safari while the left side player snaps pictures using a mounted camera shaped controller.
Crazy Claw Jr.
In 2015 a company by the name of Rocket Amusements appeared with a new videmption concept they called Crazy Claw. As a ‘virtual crane’ machine, the concept has caught the attention of various people in the industry including here in the US and even in Australia, which is where these particular games have come from. The game has gone through some changes, particularly with the cabinet design as you can see here.
Virtual Reality
Every IAAPA event these days has booths showcasing the latest in virtual reality amusement developments. There aren’t many details beyond these tweets. Here is 4DX VR’s booth via the IAAPA official account; video here too.
That is all we have come across for now, if anything else pops up from the Asian Attractions event it will be added here.
Wow, that Galactic Force game is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to Galaxian 3 since… Galaxian 3!