IGS’ OverTake Goes VR

arcadehero July 7, 2017 2

If you are not familiar with IGS’ Overtake, then there is no need to fret – while the game has been available for purchase for a few years already, I know of very few locations in the US to get their hands on one. It is similar in several aspects to Raw Thrills’ The Fast and The Furious series but with a focus on “disaster events” that you have to drive through alive or avoid. I captured some footage of the standard version of the game at IAAPA 2014 which you can watch here if you are interested.

A little while ago, the company launched a deluxe version with a motion base that they called Overtake DX. It didn’t get a lot of press coverage and I am not aware of US distributors that are selling it at the moment. But in case you felt that the game deserves a Virtual Reality version then IGS has you covered with OverTake VR: The Elite Challenge. This might be the first game released as a standard arcade title to afterwards receive the VR treatment:

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provider:    youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPh71VZLkgU&t=0s

src: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lPh71VZLkgU?feature=oembed
src mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lPh71VZLkgU
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/lPh71VZLkgU?start=0

That doesn’t provide us with a ton of information – I get a little bit of an Out Run 2 vibe though as you have your virtual girlfriend along for the ride. I’ll operate under the assumption for now that the game uses the OverTake DX cabinet instead of the standard one as there is no image of what the cabinet looks like at the moment.

OverTake DX by IGSWhat do you think? Would the addition of a VR HMD to an arcade game entice you to play or would you rather stick with the tried and true flat displays?


  1. Hsu July 10, 2017 at 4:13 am - Reply

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