Defunctland is an episodic mini-documentary series on YouTube that jumps into the history of various out-of-home attractions. In looking through the first two seasons (they are still going through Season 2), there seems to be something for everyone, as far as the interests you readers out there will have.
The latest episode tackles the history on a couple of chains that many here will certainly be interested in – GameWorks and DisneyQuest. There is a good chance that some of you have either visited or even worked for one of these locations; site friend Kevin Williams was on the team who worked on creating the DQ project when it was first started. I’d be curious to hear his opinion on the video below.
If you love gaming history then you can’t go wrong. It has great footage from the past and seems accurate by what I know. It even gets into details behind the early VR attempts by Virtuality and others. Enjoy
Finally got round to watching xD
Thanks for the link!