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TMNT out today on XBLA

TMNT out today on XBLA

Twisted Supreme March 14, 2007 1

  Sorry for all the abbreviations in the title. For those of you not up with the lingo it roughly translates into Turtles, one of my all time favourite arcade games, is out for

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DDR Clinton Style

DDR Clinton Style

Twisted Supreme March 13, 2007 0

“Hey, do you remember the time I went to Chuck E. Cheese with former president William Jefferson Clinton?” Bill Clinton, Chuck E Cheese and Dance Dance Revolution. O, those manatees doth weave a clever

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ebay listing of the week…..

ebay listing of the week…..

Twisted Supreme March 12, 2007 0

Arcade Heroes Buy it Now – $25.00 End Time – Mar-18-07 21:51:54 PDT I have no idea what this game is like, all I know is that it’s got the best name in the history

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Worst game name of the week…….

Worst game name of the week…….

Twisted Supreme March 12, 2007 0

UFO COLON I don’t feel I have to comment on the name, it speaks, for it’s self!

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1up Preview of Asian Dynamite

1up Preview of Asian Dynamite

Twisted Supreme March 12, 2007 0

  The beat-em-up genre isn’t dead. It’s just mostly dead. With next to no beat-em-ups having hit arcades in the last five years, it’s about time one did. Enter Die Hard Arcade EX (Dynamite

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Coin-Op TV

Coin-Op TV

Twisted Supreme March 12, 2007 1

Just discovered this amazing website called RetroBlast! which features this amazing regular show called Coin-Op TV. What follows is a run down of the shows creator just to give you an idea of how it started. “Robert (aka

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Where have all the Arcades gone?

Where have all the Arcades gone?

Twisted Supreme March 11, 2007 0

They seem to be popping up all over the net at the moment, which I will take as a good sign as it shows that people still care about the arcade. Read on for

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Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift coming soon!

Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift coming soon!

Twisted Supreme March 9, 2007 0

Making a debut at the ASI show at the end of the month is The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift. This title is following in the footsteps of the hit driving game The

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Game of the Week….

Game of the Week….

Twisted Supreme March 8, 2007 0

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Now it was hard to pick between all the Marvel vs. games, and too be honest I love them all, but I’ve gone for this version because I

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ebay listing of the week…..

ebay listing of the week…..

Twisted Supreme March 8, 2007 0

Mortal Kombat II Starting Bid – £100 End Date – 12th March 2007 20:00 GMT Not much floating about on ebay this week, in fact there’s quite a bit of tat on there at the

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gamesTM Reviews Afterburner Climax

gamesTM Reviews Afterburner Climax

Twisted Supreme March 7, 2007 3

I love gamesTM, but one thing that annoys me about the magazine is the fact that on the front cover they list the game formats that they cover and arcade is included in this.

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COLUMN: 'Arcade Obscurities' – Sega's Taisen Tanto-R 'Sasi-su!!'

COLUMN: 'Arcade Obscurities' – Sega's Taisen Tanto-R 'Sasi-su!!'

Twisted Supreme March 7, 2007 0

  There are some somewhat rare games that are so expensive that you delay the purchase by years, hoping for the price to come down. The exact opposite are games that, while cheap and

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