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New Locations: FEC Expansion In CA, CO, IL, MI, NJ, UT; Galloping Ghost Pinball (IL); Player One Arcade Pub (GA)
For our first look at the latest locations to open their doors around the world for this month of March, we have quite a few places to talk about. The explosion in FEC’s continues apace, especially in my neighborhood. It’s getting to the point where it has me a little concerned for how us »
JAEPO 2019 Wrap-Up: New Arcade Games For Japan & The World
Another arcade trade show has come and gone, but this one has really stirred things up thanks to the Exa-Arcadia platform, guaranteeing a larger amount of content for arcades to enjoy. As a lot of the news was covered in the first JAEPO post, I’ll only be including items here that are new, such »
UNIS Pulls The Curtain Back On Fantasy Soccer
Exactly a month ago, we ran a story about a brand new soccer video game that was shown off at a trade show in China. Apart from a photo of the game at the UNIS booth, we had no other information to go off of, so we’ve had to wait. Today, UNIS uploaded a »
Newsbytes: Aki To Blue Type R; WCCF 2017-2018; Arcade Cab Conversions; Starcade Goes Prime
January has been fairly mild as far as weather goes – at least where I live (hanging around the 40s most of the time). Even though it’s not super-freezing like the Eastern US, it has seemed to keep people coming to the mall and thus to the arcade. Let’s start with just a headline: »
Video Arcade Games Turning 20 In 2017
Welcome to Part 3 of our series on games that will be celebrating a certain anniversary during this calendar year of 2017. With going back to 1997, we will be looking at games turning 20 this year. But first, check out the first two parts if you haven’t already: Arcade Games Turning 40 in »
Industry Passings: Masaya Nakamura (Namco); Marvin Yagoda; Dick Hawkins
There have been a few amusement/arcade industry deaths to occur this month, hopefully the families of those affected can find peace through the grieving process. Masaya Nakamura – Various outlets are reporting that Namco founder Masaya Nakamura has died at the age of 91. The cause of death was not released by the family but »
Newsbytes: Arcade Revival; Monkey Magic; Densha De Go!!!; Polybius
I hope you have enjoyed the news this week. October is always a better time for news than September as we get close to IAAPA so more new game announcements come to light. Let’s start off with some news from about Cruis’n Blast and go from there. Cruis’n Blast Launch Party At Logan Arcade »
Newsbytes: Super Arcade; Pac Man Smash Slim: Houdini Pinball
Welcome to October. The second month of the year after January that people seek out horror movies. In case you missed the biggest news of the week due to it coming out on Friday night, click here for the latest news on Cruis’n Blast. News You Can Use Super Arcade Finally Gets The Thumbs »
NEON FM Andamiro Version Now Available Worldwide; More pictures for Dance Central 3
Here are a couple of items related to music arcade gaming today so let’s get to the facts! NEON FM Andamiro Version Now Available Worldwide In June of last year, a new model for Unit-E Technologies’ NEON FM rhythm game was unveiled. Working with Andamiro, the company showed it to the public at the »
Newsbytes: Ghostbusters LE Footage; NEON FM; Tron Rollercoaster
Ah the first weekend of May. If you’re lucky, that doesn’t mean hayfever; otherwise should mean some good weather so you can go out and visit an arcade. Let’s check out some quick news of what is happening out there: Stern’s Ghostbusters Limited Edition Pinball In Action: The moment fans have been waiting for »