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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited Coming to US Arcades

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited Coming to US Arcades

February 29, 2012, 5 Comments on Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited Coming to US Arcades

Just a couple of weeks ago at the AOU Expo in Japan, it was unveiled that Namco already had a major update on the way for their latest fighter, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. We also knew that Tag Tournament 2 was on it’s way to the US in some form thanks to those location »

Pinball Legend Steve Kordek Passes Away; New Images for Wizard of Oz Pinball

Pinball Legend Steve Kordek Passes Away; New Images for Wizard of Oz Pinball

February 24, 2012, 1 Comment on Pinball Legend Steve Kordek Passes Away; New Images for Wizard of Oz Pinball

I meant to get to this earlier this week as I caught a mention of it, but this past Sunday, legendary pinball designer Steve Kordek passed away at the age of 100. To get an idea of the games that he worked on and thus the influence that he had on the industry as »

Custom Coin Mech Reject Button Art by Tighe

Custom Coin Mech Reject Button Art by Tighe

February 22, 2012, No Comments on Custom Coin Mech Reject Button Art by Tighe

Here’s an idea that I’ve thought of on occasion although never looked into it – changing the art on your coin mech reject buttons. It’s been crossing my mind more often lately as at my own arcade I have just undertaken the task of switching over from tokens to quarters as token loss has »

Happy AOU Day! New arcade games from Japan

Happy AOU Day! New arcade games from Japan

February 17, 2012, 4 Comments on Happy AOU Day! New arcade games from Japan

The slow early year news cycle has had us counting down to this event in Japan, the AOU Expo where different amusement companies get together to show off some of their latest ideas and products. Yes a lot of these are destined for sale primarily in Japan but there are always a few that »

Namco’s AOU Line-Up Unveiled

Namco’s AOU Line-Up Unveiled

February 8, 2012, No Comments on Namco’s AOU Line-Up Unveiled

Next week is the AOU show and now it’s Namco’s turn to draw attention to some of the products they will have there. There are a couple of games which are no-brainers – Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 but there is a little more to it than that. For »

Triangle Services/ Sega bringing Love Arcade to AOU2012 + Flying Robots

Triangle Services/ Sega bringing Love Arcade to AOU2012 + Flying Robots

February 2, 2012, 2 Comments on Triangle Services/ Sega bringing Love Arcade to AOU2012 + Flying Robots

As mentioned yesterday, news will be trickling out about the upcoming AOU 2012 event in Japan that takes place in about two weeks and today Sega opened up some of their plans as to what they are going to show off. Keep in mind that none of the companies reveal everything in advance so »

What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

February 1, 2012, 3 Comments on What’s coming to AOU2012 (Part 1)

Newsfeed 1162 & 1163 via If you didn’t get a fill from the EAG show last week then never fear, another arcade trade show is just around the corner, this time in Japan. The Amusement Operators Union or AOU, takes place every February and often has some surprises in store for some of the »

Cave unveils Dodonpachi Saidaioujou for Arcades

Cave unveils Dodonpachi Saidaioujou for Arcades

January 30, 2012, 6 Comments on Cave unveils Dodonpachi Saidaioujou for Arcades

The Dodonpachi series has created a strong following in circles of shmup players and while it had seemed for a time that Cave might give up on arcades in favor of developments elsewhere, that seems to have been put on hold from the news this morning. Cave has announced that this Spring they are »

Newsbag: DNA Conference Moves Date; Darius Burst goes to iOS, Sound Voltex Booth release

Newsbag: DNA Conference Moves Date; Darius Burst goes to iOS, Sound Voltex Booth release

January 24, 2012, No Comments on Newsbag: DNA Conference Moves Date; Darius Burst goes to iOS, Sound Voltex Booth release

I know posting has been inconsistent lately and I end up doing these variety posts but that will change shortly as I have completed moving my own arcade and I should be opening my doors this morning. I will have to do a post about the experience which has eaten up my time over »

Astro Ranger Re-Appears Out Of The Blue

Astro Ranger Re-Appears Out Of The Blue

January 20, 2012, No Comments on Astro Ranger Re-Appears Out Of The Blue

There are times where we hear about a game, it presents a cool or unique concept and then we never hear about it again. Namco’s Afrec! comes to mind. Then there are times where something like that happens and one day, out-of-nowhere the game reappears on the scene somewhere months or even years later. »

Stryker’s Main Street Arcade Opens in Oregon City, OR

Stryker’s Main Street Arcade Opens in Oregon City, OR

January 19, 2012, 3 Comments on Stryker’s Main Street Arcade Opens in Oregon City, OR

We had a flurry of new arcade location stories around the beginning of the month but a few weeks later it seems that the trend will continue. The latest comes to us from Oregon City, OR USA and is called Stryker’s Main Street Arcade. Some of their games include: Pac-Man, MS. Pac-Man, Centipede, Donkey »

ReRave Goes International

ReRave Goes International

January 16, 2012, 2 Comments on ReRave Goes International

I have been sitting on two press releases for upcoming rhythm arcade title, ReRave by Step Evolution and Coast-To-Coast Entertainment. Not because I wanted to but it’s been crunch time for me at the arcade and today in fact we are closed and will be moving machines. That’s another story but I’ve been so »