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Square Enix Unveils Gunslinger Stratos In Japan

Square Enix Unveils Gunslinger Stratos In Japan

January 11, 2012, 3 Comments on Square Enix Unveils Gunslinger Stratos In Japan

They’ve been teasing it for a few weeks now and today Square Enix did a full reveal of their latest new arcade concept called Gunslinger Stratos. This new arcade concept is worth highlighting as when it comes to light-gun games, this certainly breaks the mold (although I admit that I am sort of thinking »

New pictures of Jersey Jack Pinball’s Wizard of Oz

New pictures of Jersey Jack Pinball’s Wizard of Oz

January 10, 2012, 1 Comment on New pictures of Jersey Jack Pinball’s Wizard of Oz

Hot on the heels of the reveal of Stern’s AC/DC Pinball (now updated with a playfield pic) comes new pictures of the competition – Wizard of Oz Pinball by Jersey Jack Pinball. This is on track for a March release and I also read that they have already pre-sold 1000 units with hopes of »

Incredible Technologies Touts PowerPutt LIVE, Golden Tee Player of the Year

Incredible Technologies Touts PowerPutt LIVE, Golden Tee Player of the Year

January 6, 2012, No Comments on Incredible Technologies Touts PowerPutt LIVE, Golden Tee Player of the Year

One game we already know is coming in 2012 is a follow-up to one of Incredible Technologies somewhat new games, PowerPutt. But until today we didn’t really know much about the new game aside from it being an online enabled title and that at it’s heart it would continue to do for virtual mini-golf »

Arcade Games Turning 30 this year

Arcade Games Turning 30 this year

January 5, 2012, 1 Comment on Arcade Games Turning 30 this year

For a little over a year we’ve had some talk about games reaching their 30th birthday, in particular with Pac-Man but as this marks the 30th year since 1982, I figure why not take a look at some important titles from ’82 that are turning 30. There are quite a few to look over »

Correction on Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe at Dave & Busters

Correction on Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe at Dave & Busters

December 28, 2011, 5 Comments on Correction on Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe at Dave & Busters

A short time ago Dave & Busters locations landed a deal to get the new Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe edition of the game. We covered that along with the Pac-Man Power Girls showing up for the event launch. But there has been some confusion about the availability of the cabinet as the initial press »

The Top 10 Arcade Heroes Posts of 2011

The Top 10 Arcade Heroes Posts of 2011

December 26, 2011, No Comments on The Top 10 Arcade Heroes Posts of 2011

I am not a big fan of Top 10 lists – sure I could pass off my opinion of the “Top 10 Arcade Games to Feature a Winners Don’t Use Drugs Logo Screen During The Attract Mode” sort of thing but that is completely subjective and kind of a waste of time. Then again »

Namco’s Katsuhiro Harada Details Fan Support and Arcade Business in Tohoku Quake Aftermath

Namco’s Katsuhiro Harada Details Fan Support and Arcade Business in Tohoku Quake Aftermath

December 21, 2011, No Comments on Namco’s Katsuhiro Harada Details Fan Support and Arcade Business in Tohoku Quake Aftermath

Newsfeed 1146 via When natural disasters hit, the immediate concern for the survivors is to keep on surviving and to make the best out of a terrible situation. It’s not just your physical side that can take a toll but your mental state as well. When it comes to survival and human needs, video »

Dariusburst Another Chronicle Now Available For Purchase Worldwide

Dariusburst Another Chronicle Now Available For Purchase Worldwide

December 10, 2011, 10 Comments on Dariusburst Another Chronicle Now Available For Purchase Worldwide

We’ve been covering the progress of Taito’s epic shooter Dariusburst Another Chronicle for a while now and after seeing it released in Japan last year and then tested in Europe and the US this year, it’s finally time for venues to pick the game up so more players can enjoy this unique game. Taito »

Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe Launches at all Dave & Busters locations

Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe Launches at all Dave & Busters locations

December 6, 2011, 1 Comment on Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe Launches at all Dave & Busters locations

(Pac-Man Battle Royale Deluxe at IAAPA 2011) If you have a Dave & Busters location near you then you certainly have reason to be excited. In October, all 57 locations served as the launch pad for Adrenaline Amusement’s new Infinity Blade FX arcade title and now they are all going to be a place »

German Arcade Chain Schmidt Gruppe opens 170th location in Oberhausen

German Arcade Chain Schmidt Gruppe opens 170th location in Oberhausen

December 4, 2011, 1 Comment on German Arcade Chain Schmidt Gruppe opens 170th location in Oberhausen

Newsfeed 1136 via What you see above isn’t the latest UFO sighting although it could almost be mistaken for such – it’s actually a new arcade entertainment facility that recently opened in Oberhausen, Germany called Spiel Station. It’s attached to a major shopping mall and cost €7 million to put together total. In addition »

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver 2012 now out in Japan

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver 2012 now out in Japan

December 2, 2011, 6 Comments on Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver 2012 now out in Japan

If you know of an arcade in Japan that has Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, then as of today they likely have the latest (and supposedly final) update to the series, Ver. 2012. Japanese SSFIV units are internet enabled so they can download the balancing update for free. Arcades get a whole week »

Arcade Related: Brain Battle by Ars Electronica; Pinball Arcade by Farsight Studios

November 27, 2011, No Comments on Arcade Related: Brain Battle by Ars Electronica; Pinball Arcade by Farsight Studios

Way back in 1983, Atari promised to revolutionize game controls with a device they called the Atari Mindlink. Prototypes were built and tested, running on modified versions of Pong and Breakout, but ultimately it was canned when Atari changed ownership. A similar idea has been brought back to life with Ars Electronica’s research project »